chapter 11

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The boys left 4 days ago and I still haven't heard from Daniel.
I have also been getting really sick lately. I am going t the doctors tomorrow as today I'm gonna go meet patience. I told her to meet me a the local Café in Sydney.
"Hello would you like anything t drink?" The waitress asked.
"Uh yea just a tea please?" She wrote it down and left.
From Patience:
I'm here, where are you?!

I looked up to see her looking around.

To Patience:
Turn around.

She did and her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh!!" She squealed and ran over to me.
"Yea, surprise!!" I laughed and hugged her.
We both sat down after she ordered.
"Do you always surprise fans like this?"
"Only the ones I like." I winked.
She laughed.
''This is the best day ever!!!!!"
"Ikr! Haha. Um would you like to come over today? I've been so bored with none of the guys home."
"Really?! Yes!" She squealed.
"Haha okey, Lego." We grabbed our drinks a decided to take my car cause she walked to the café.


"so do you live alone?" I asked her

"I still live with my parents. My mum said that if i dont find a place to live in the next week then she is kicking me out."

" Oh wow. Well I can ask my mum if you can move in with us. we love the company and we have an extra room next to Beaus." I winked making her blush.

"do you think Gina would really let me?"

"Of course she will. She loves all of my friends!" I said pulling into the drive way.

"Mum!!!" I yelled as I opened the door.

"Oh my! Are you okay?!" She asked worried.

"Haha, yea mum. Is it alright if my bff moves in? She needs a place to live and there is an extra room next to beaus." I begged

"Ok. Hello dear. Im Gina. You look gorgeous!" Mum exclaimed and hugged patience.

"Thank you Gina. You're gorgeous as well. I'm patience." She giggled.

"Come on I'll show you the room." I grabbed her arm and drug her up the stairs.

We walked into a white room with brown wood as the floor.

"It needs to be re painted.... Like SPAT!!" She yelled.

We both ran down the stairs again and hopped into my car to go to the store and her parents home. I dropped her off there and headed to the store to buy paint.
I ended up buying every color. At the moment I'm heading back to my house. Patience said that she will drive herself with most of her stuff.

I got out of m car and carried all of the paint inside.. Well it took about 3 trips. I decided to make a twitcam while I wanted for her and keep it on when we paint.

"Hey lovelys!! Bre here. Today I have a new house mate. Her name is patience. She is a fan like you guys but she is also a great friend of mine. She is at her old home packing her stuff and when she gets here yall can watch us slatter her room in rainbow colors!!!" I clapped.

Suddenly I got a whole bunch of comments.
'' she's just using you"
"I bet she's amazing"
"I love you!"
"Get naked!"
I stopped and laughed.
"I'm not getting naked."
I continued to read the comments.
A lot were rude, some nice but one stood out...
"Did you see what Daniel did??"
"Uhm no I didn't see what Daniel did. I will check it out later though." I smiled.
I hope it's not bad.
Skip painting:
"Bye guys thanks for watching. Hope you enjoyed us get messy!!!" We both waved and played back in her new room.
We managed to pack most of her stuff in and its only been 5 hours.
"Woah. And thanks again for helping me and letting me move in. This is the best day ever!!!" She breathed out and fell back onto her chair.
"Let me show you around the house before we go to bed" I said.
We stood up and ventured out into the hall.
"First is eh my room. Right across the hall from you." I opened the door and let her look at it.
"Next is twin 1. Jyes room." I did the same as I did with mine
"Next to his is twin 2. Luke Skywalker." She giggled at the name.
"Across from him and next to you is Mr.Beau Brooks"
I opened the door and she looked at it in Awe.
"Go ahead jump on his bed. Smell his clothes and sheets. " I laughed.
She did too them ran to his bed and plopped down onto it.
"Is this really what he smells like?"
"Haha yes."
We were interrupted by barking.
"LaLa!!!" I picked up the fluffy dog and kissed her cheek.
"Awe!!!" Patience exclaimed.
I set Lala down and she ran away.
"Oh well lets go to bed. I have an appointment in the AM." I yawned.
"I haven't been feeling the best. Want to come with?" I asked
"Sure and where can I sleep as we forgot my bed."
"Uhm just sleep in one of the boys rooms." She smirked and covered up with beaus blankets.
"Goodnight weirdo." I laughed
"Night breeeee" she sung.
I closed beaus door and went to my own room and shut the door behind me.
I changed into a big T-shirt and shorts and played in my bed with my laptop.
I checked my emails and the first one was from Ashley.
"Did you see what Daniel did?!?"
There was a link so I clicked on it.
What I saw broke my heart into millions of pieces.
Thats why Daniel never texted me.. He cheated on me.

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