chapter 8

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"@brooksbabes asks.. " what happen to Lexie?"" I read.
At the moment me, Ashley, Jenny and Aubrey are making a twitcam.
"Uh, we had a fall out and she left." I said
"Why?" I read.
"Because she's a slut!" Daniel yelled.
"Daniel!! That's rude!!" I yelled trying to hold back my laugh.
"Are Daniel and Bre dating?" Ashley read then winked.
"Yes Daniel and Bre are dating!" Daniel said getting into the twitcam.
"Kiss." I giggled and Daniel cupped my face and kissed me hard then picked me up
"Bre will be on later." He joked and started walking away with me.
Oh yea its been a few weeks since Daniel started walking again.
"Put me down!" I laughed and pecked his lips then plopped down in my seat continuing to answer questions.
"We should all have a sleep over as next week we are leaving" Beau said.
I forgot. The Janoskians are going back to LA next week as Daniel is healed up and they are about to go on tour again.
"Uh yea. Let's have a pajama party!!!!!" I laughed
Once we all agreed everyone went home to change besides me, Beau, Luke and Jai as we were already home.
I ran up to my room and pulled out my matching black bra and underwear and my panda onsie.
"Dibs on shower!!" I yelled and ran to the bathroom giggling at Jai winning cause he wanted the shower.
I turned on the water and undressed myself.
I hopped into the shower and began washing myself.
As I was washing my hair I felt arms go around my waist.
I squealed and turned so fast that it caused me to land on someone.
"Daniel!" I yelled and hit his chest.
"Yes?" He smirked.
"Why are you in here?" I laughed
"Because I wanted to shower with you and I'm actually really enjoying this position." He winked.
Well i did enjoy it as well. I was sitting on his stomach with my legs on the sides of him and my hands were on his toned chest and he was looking up at me smiling. And not to mention we were both naked.
"Well... This is awkward." I blushed.
"How are you going to get up?"
"Maybe you should scoot back." He winked.
"Ew no." I stood up and tried to balance myself.
I looked down to see him smirking.
"You little shit!" I laughed and covered myself up as he stood up.
"You're so sexy when you're mad... And naked." He looked me up and down and I shoved him making him almost fall.
"Ah you're gonna get it!" He pushed me up against the shower wall and grinded onto me.
"Danie-" he smashed his lips into mine before I could finish
"You have to be quiet baby." He whispered in my ear making me shiver.
"Daniel, I need you. Now." I whispered not taking my eyes off him.
He nodded and started kissing me again.
"Oh I'll give you what you want." He growled.
And I bet you know what happen from there.
"Uhm we should get out they are probably wondering where we are." Daniel laughed.
We hopped out of the shower and dried each other. I put on my bra and underwear and as I was doing it I could feel Daniel watching me.
"Like what you see?" I winked
He blushed and looked down and put on his boxers.
Daniel is actually bigger then people think.
"Do youu like what you see?" He said mocking me.
"Yes I do." I smirked and put on my panda onsie.
I turned around and saw that Daniel was wearing the same onsie.
"Awe!!" We squealed and hugged.
I opened the door and as I was walking out he smack my butt.
"You'll get more later." He growled in my ear and skipped down the stairs.
I smiled and walked down as well.
Once I got into the living room I saw everyone already here and in onsies. Daniel was plopped down it the chair,his legs up on the stool and he looked relaxed
"Have fun?" James winked.
"Shut up." I laughed and smacked him in the back of the head then sat on Daniels lap.
"So I have some news!!" Ashley squealed
"Me and Jacob are finally dating!!!" I jumped up and hugged her.
"Oh my gosh, wait Jacob as in Moose the one that you have had a crush on for a long time?" She nodded her head vigorously
"Congrats!!!!" Everyone said besides James.
"James aren't you happy?" I asked.
"Oh uh yea, congrats Ashley." He smiled. Fake.
I pushed it to the back of my head.
"So let's order pizza and play a game of truth or dare." Jenn said
We all agreed. We decided to start the game while we waited for pizza.
"Daniel, truth or dare."
"I dare you to kiss Beau." Jai said.
I busted out in laughter as Daniel crawled over to Beau trying to act sexy.
"Mm you taste good skip." Beau laughed as they ended the kiss.
"Oh thanks, its some of your sisters chapstick from earlier." He winking making Beau gag.
"I basically kissed my sister"
"Well you kissed her boyfriend after they did it in the shower." Jenny said making Jai spit out his drink and role on the ground laughing.
"Oh my gosh! You basically kissed our sisters vagina!"
"Ewwwww!" Beau screamed and ran into the bathroom and puked.
"So you're not gonna deny it?" Ashley winked.
"Deny what?"
"That Daniel licked you out." She laughed.
"I.. Uh .... No I guess not." I laughed.
Soon the pizza was here and we ate and finished our game.

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