chapter 16

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Anthony is gone. This guy that kidnapped me said he went back to Seattle after I went missing. He probably got away so he didn't have to deal with this guy. I don't blame him really but I'm his girlfriend and I'm pregnant.
"I'm going out don't do anything dumb!" The man yelled and I heard him walk out the front door.
This is my time.
I ran to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. I took out my hair clip that I knew I would have to use sooner or later.
I put the clip in the door knob (you know when you're on the other side of the door and you can use a clip or nail to unlock it. Idk how to explain it)
I kept moving it around until I heard a Click.
I opened the door slowly and walked to the front door. That door was locked as well and I noticed that security note on it.
He put the security alarm on. Shit.
I looked around me trying to find a phone and finally found one after a while.
I ran to it and dialed the first number that came to my head.
"DANIEL!" I yelled
"Bre, oh my god is that you? Where are you? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked
"Yes its me. Idk where I'm at, yes me and the baby are fne and I know why that guy took me! It because of Anthony!"
"Anthony? That douche you are dating?! What does he have to do with this?"
"Yes my boyfriend. He stole something from this guy so he took me. I don't understand why."
"Well try to find an address." He said as I heard a car pull into the drive way.
"I can't, he's back. Track down this number.Fast! Bye I love you Daniel." I cried and hung up running back into the room and slamming the door.
I ran over to the corner and laid down, crying myself to sleep.

Daniels POV:
"...bye I love you Daniel." She cried and hung up.
"I love you too Bre and I promise I will find you." I let the tears run down my face as I hopped into my car and drove down to the police station.
"So you're saying this guy took your Ex girlfriend who is pregnant with your baby because her boyfriend stole something from this guy?" The officer asked.
"Yes sir."
"Do you have any proof?"
"She called and told me to track down the call." I said
He nodded and grabbed my phone.
He searched on his computer and on my phone.
"I'm sorry Sir but this phone is no longer available. It's not even on the map anymore. But it says the owners name is mike. " he handed me my phone and walked out.
He must of smashed it after Bre used it.
I stormed out to my car and drove to the Brooks house
Right as I got up the stairs my phone rang. From an unknown number.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello Daniel." He laughed
"Who is this?"
"You want Bre back? Meet me at the abandoned parking lot in 4 days and bring 15,000$ if you really want her back alive." He spoke and hung up
I ran into the house in a hurry and yelled for everyone to come t the living room. And by everyone I mean, patience, Aubrey, Gina and beau.
"What is it? " Gina asked. Her eyes were read and puffy.. Just like the others.
I explained to them what's going on and we made a plan.
Hopefully it doesn't go bad.
4 days later:
I woke up and rolled over.. Wishing Bre was there.
I unlocked my phone and saw that it was only 8am. Ugh it's too early.
I laid my head of Bres pillow and breathed in. Smelt like vanilla. Just like her.
About an hour later I finally got up and took a shower. I took my time not caring about how much water I wasted.
It was 10:30 when I got out so I laid back in her bed and watched all of her YouTube videos. I really really miss her.
"Ring ring" I picked up my phone and answered it.
"Be there tonight.. At 9." He said and hung up.
Well now it's 12:00 pm so 9 more hours til I get her back.
I threw my legs over the side of the bed and walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes.
"Hey Gina." I said.
"Good morning Skip, how are you?" She asked trying to fake a smile. I knew she was sad.
"I'm fine.. Ah what am I saying? I'm a wreck. Only 9 more hours and I'll have her back." I felt a tear fall down my cheek and Gina rushed over pulling me into a hug.
"It'll be OK. I know you'll save her." She kissed my cheek and set a plate of pancakes in front of me.
"You need to eat."
She walked out of the room and let me be.
Then I suddenly thought of the phone call from Bre.
"Anthony took something."
I quickly gulped down my pancakes knowing Gina would get mad if I didn't eat and I ran up to Beaus room.
"Beau! I need anthonys number! Now!" I yelled.
"Woah calm down. It's in my phone." He groaned and rolled over.
I grabbed his phone and went through this contacts.
Ah Anthony!
I clicked on the call button and waited for him to pick up.
"Hey beau! What's up broth-"
"Shut up . Listen to me. I don't know you, you don't know me but you have took something from a man named Mike. Is that true?" I asked
"Uh... No what? Who is this?"
"Answer my question!"
"Yes I did. But It has nothing to do with you."
"You Cunt! He took Bre because of you!" I yelled
"Well that's not my problem. I have a new girl to deal with." He spoke making me get really mad and hang up.
I sat down and put my head in my hands.
I felt Beaus phone vibrate next to me I looked at it.
Who's Marie?
Marie: hey baby. I want to see that sexy body of yours again. Txt me back ;)
Maybe it's the wrong number?
Marie: beau baby. I had fun the other night. Please txt back ;)
He's cheating? Omg...

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