chapter 3

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I'm so embarrassed! I can't believe Skip watched the video. He knows I like him now! What if he thinks I'm ready to date? My boy friend just cheated on me and now we are not dating.
I'm not ready for a boyfriend. I hardly even know skip besides from what the boys have told me.
"Bre, let me in!" Skip said on the other end of the door.
"No, leave me alone!" I yelled.
I changed out of my wet cloths and put on my skinny jeans and my dirty pig hoodie.
I put on my converse, grabbed my phone and opened the door to see Skip standing there.
I pushed past him and walked down the stairs.
"Im going for a walk!" I yelled to my brothers and James.
"K." They said.
I walked out of the house and jumped on my penny board, speeding up to the sound of Skip yelling for me.
Once I got to the lake I turned around to make sure no one was following.
I got off my penny board and walked over to a tree and climbed up.
It was actually a tree house and me Jai, Luke and Beau made.
Once I got in I sat down in my red bean bag chair.
Its been here since day 1.
I looked around as saw old pictures of me and my brothers.
There were even pics of just the janoskians.
I opened a photo album and looked at it.
The first page was of mum. And alot of random pics.
The second page was Beau that said "worlds dumbest and great bro ever"
The next was Jai and Luke at the top it said. "Sexiest twins (Luke's sexier) (not true)" I giggled at all of the pics they had.
Next one was of me. It was a pic of me covered in mud. I always hated that pic.
"Worlds greatest, sexiest, funniest and most talented sister ever" clearly they had to think of what to write cause there was a lot of scratched out parts.
Then the last page was all of us hugging and laughing. When we were all reunited after a few months. I missed them so much.
"After Luke showed me this place I would come up here often to just think." I turned around and saw Skips head and most of his chest in the hole. (Door thingy)
"Yea I used to always come up here when you guys were filming or when I needed to think."
Then it hit me. Skips here.
"I uhm, I'm gonna go." I said really fast when he got in.
"Wait." He grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against the wall. I could feel his hips bang into mine.
I just stared at him as he leaned closer and closer.
Then his lips connected with mine. For the first time in along time I felt sparks.
I pulled away and looked at him again.
"I like you too Bre." He whispered.
"I'm so sorry Skip. I do like you its just I'm not ready." I said in a hurry and grabbed my penny board, climbing down the ladder.
Once I got down I ran. Tears covering my eyes and skip yelling for me.
I kept running, then I stopped in the middle of the road. I saw the bright lights coming right towards me and I couldn't move.
I closed my eyes and felt something bang into me, and screetching of tires.
I opened my eyes again, I was on the side of the road. In harmed.
I walked into the smoke and saw a body laying in the center.

A/n: the ending actually made me cry while writing it.
I hope you like it. I'm trying to get alot done so I can et more readers. Love you all.

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