chapter 6

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"Miss. Brooks?" He asked. I looked confused.
"Someone wants to see you." He smiled.
Daniels POV:
She is an amazing singer. I wanted to stand up and just cry into her arms but I can't.
This girl named... Lilly? Liz? Liz I think came and talked to me.
She was actually really sweet. I can't believe Beau has never told me about her. She told me that Bre isn't doing so well and that I should go soon.
"Daniel please." I heard James say.
"You have been there for me for everything, you can't leave. Not now." I could tell he was crying.
Finally I let myself take over my lifeless body and moved my hand.

Bre's POV:
Who wants to see me? Is it Daniel.
I looked at the guys and at the doctor. They all smiled and motioned for me to go.
I finally followed the doctor down the halls to a room I was so familiar with.
"Daniel." My eyes filled with tears.
He looked over at me and smiled.
I ran over to him and hugged him.
"Hi Br-" I cut him off by crashing my lips into his.
Once I pulled away he looked shocked then slowly leaned in again. Reconnecting our lips.
"Hey! He just woke up like 10 mins ago! Don't hog him!" Beau laughed and pushed me out of the way to kiss him.
"Ew!" I laughed as they kissed.
They pulled apart and smirked.
"I was always Skips lover." He said acting cool.
"Until I met your sister." Skip said winking at me
"Ha! Loser!" I laughed at Beau making him flip me off.
"You can go whenever you want sir. But you need someone to help you get around, I would gladly help if you would like me to." A slutty nurse said as Skip started to stand up.
She put her hand on his chest making jealousy take over.
"Come on babe." I said grabbing his hand and kissing him on the lips. Biting them in the process making him moan. I watched in the corner of my eye as the nurse sighed loudly and walked out swaying her hips.
I pecked him on the lips and pulled away.
"Yup that's my sister." Beau laughed.
I winked at skip as he couldn't stop staring.
"Uh babe, you got a little problem." I whispered.
He looked down and blushed.
I highfived the guys and grabbed Skips hand. Helping him out of the hospital.
I'm so glad to have skip back.

A/n: sorry short chapter. I'm really tired. Hope you liked it though. Xx

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