chapter 5

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*I havent slept at all so I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, well all of the chapters suck. Lol*
2 weeks later:
I actually got out last week, well Luke forced me. We went shopping and I bought a journal. I started writing in it for Daniel.
About what I am feeling. And just random shit.

It's now been 2 weeks since the accident. I have hardly left the hospital besides last week. I really miss you. I know I still barely know you but you mean everything to me. I have never cared for someone this much. If my own brother was in the hospital I wouldn't be this depressed, OK maybe I would but still. I really need you. I hope you wake up soon. I have to go now. Luke is forcing me to eat again. I love you,
Bre xx
I sighed and put the journal in my bag and grabbed the smallest piece of pizza from the box Luke bought.
I nibbled off the end and set in on my plate of the table.
"Bre, you need to eat."
"No, I'm not hungry."
He gave up after a few minutes.
"I'm going to the house for a few, you need anything?" He asked
"My guitar and sing book?" I asked.
He nodded and left.
Once he came back he handed me the guitar and I started playing I miss you by Avril Lavigne(pretend bre wrote it)
"Na na, na na na, na na

I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad

I hope you can hear me
I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same

Na na na na na na na

I didn't get around to kiss you
Goodbye on the hand
I wish that I could see you again
I know that I can't

I hope you can hear me
'Cause I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same

I've had my wake up
Won't you wake up
I keep asking why
And I can't take it
It wasn't fake
It happened, you passed by

Now you're gone, now you're gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere I can't bring you back
Now you are gone, now you are gone
There you go, there you go,
Somewhere you're not coming back

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same no..
The day you slipped away
Was the day that I found it won't be the same oh...

Na na, na na na, na na
I miss you"
(Song on top/side)
At the end of the singing was in tears.
"Please Daniel." I cried bringing his hand to my face.
I turned and looked at the door to see the guys with a camera.
"I can't do this anymore." I cried and fell to the ground. Luke turned it off and rushed to my side
"Take me home." I whispered. He nodded and helped me up. I grabbed Daniels hand again and smiled sadly.
I hopped into Luke's car and he drove me home.
"I'm gonna post that song on YouTube." He said and I nodded.
Once we got to the house I ran inside.
I went to my room and locked the door. Then went into my bathroom and searched my cupboards until I found a razor.
"It will be over." I whispered.
I sat on the ground and slid the sharp blade against my arm. I closed my eyes and let the blood drip.
I I made another line and just sat there until I heard Luke.
"Bre, are you okay?" He asked.
I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped my arm
"Y-yea." I said through my pain.
"Alright I'm going back to the hospital, you want to come?" He asked.
"N-no I'm gonna r-rest." I studdered and washed my bloody arm.
"OK." And with that he left.
I put on my hoodie and walked out of the bathroom.
"Be strong, for Daniel" I said.
I looked in the mirror and almost puked at the sight.
I looked horrible. My hair was in a messy bun I was dirty, makeup smeared down my face from crying and baggy eyes from no sleep.
I went back into the bathroom and started my shower.
I jumped in and washed up then jumped back out and dried off.
I put on my joggers and dirty pig hoodie along with my uggs.
I walked downstairs and laid on the couch.
I eventually dozed off into a deep sleep

"Bre?" I tried to figure out where I was but I didn't recognized it.. Yes I did.
"Liz?" I asked
"Yea its me." She laughed and hugged me. Oh how I missed her hugs.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I came to talk to you." We sat down on her couch.
"This house looks the same, before the.... The fire." I said. Tears urging to fall
"I miss you." I said holding back my tears.
"I miss you too but we really need to get talking, I don't have much time." She said.
"Daniel. He's OK. He will wake up, sooner than you think"
I nodded
"I've already talked to him. It's actually really cool that I can like go to people's dreams and talk to them. " she laughed.
"So he's ok? Thank god!" I cried
"OK babe, I have to go. Uhm tell Beau I said hi and I miss him." She weakl smiled
"I will. Bye." I hugged her and watched her walk away.
This might be the last time for a long time til I see her.
End of dream
I woke up and looked at the clock.
7:15 wow I slept for awhile
I got up and fixed my hair before hopping into my car and heading to the hospital.
Once I got there I saw all of the guys in the waiting room.
"Hey." I said.
They all looked up at me and smiled
"Hi." They said and looked at the doctor that came out.
"Miss. Brooks?" He asked. I looked confused.
"Someone wants to see you." He smiled.

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