chapter 2

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"Hey guys, its impossible! Well most of us. Ashley and Jenny went to the UK to see their grandparents." Aubrey said into the camera.
"OK so today we are going to the mall. And we are gonna embarrass ourselves doing random shit." I explained.
"Hey Bre- oh are you making a video?" Skip asked at the door.
"Haha yes skip we are making a video, say hi!" Still no fans know that the Brooks are my brothers.
"Um we have special guest as well! The Janoskians will be in the video." I said.
"Hi!" Skip said waving.
"OK well we are going to the mall, hopefully the others will come as well." I said and turned off the camera.
After convincing the twins to go with we hopped in the car and went to the mall.
"OK hey guys, We're impossible and we are here with.." I pointed to my 3 brothers skip and James.
"Hey we're The Janoskians."
"And today we are doing awkward shopping situations." Aubrey and Jai said.
Me and Luke both held a camera and rode our penny boards around.
"I want these dad!" I heard skip yell.
"No! I fucking told you! I already have to pay for your school buy it yourself!" James screamed
(I didn't look it up on what they actually said)
"He always fucking does this!" Skip yelled running after James.
They ran out and we busted out laughing.
"Skip come here." Lexie grabbed his hand and they sat down next to a couple making out.
Lexie straddled him and started making out.
I swear I felt my heart break.
Why was it a big deal? We aren't even dating. He is just a friend. Just a friend.... Just a friend I have had a huge crush on before I met him.
I watched as skip started moaning and thrusting into Lexie.
"Oh yea! Harder baby!" He yelled making the couple stand up and leave.
Lexie got up and walked away, he slapped her ass on the way.
"Bre can I talk to you?" Luke asked.
"Sure." I handed the camera to Jai and followed Luke.
"You like Skip don't you?" He asked.
"I know you like him, I see the way you look at him and when he was making out with Lexie you looked crush." He said.
I just looked up at him with sad eyes then over to skip who was dancing on a table.
"I really like him Luke, but he doesn't like me." He sighed and pulled me into a hug.
"We can change that." He laughed.
"Let's go." He grabbed my arm and pulled me back over to the group.
When skip walked over he put his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder.
I looked at Luke to see him wink.
We finished the video and went to the house.
Aubrey and Lexie left so me and Luke edited the videos.
"Bre, look." He laughed.
I looked over to his laptop and saw a video of me. Luke must have took it when we were talking.
"I really like him Luke, but he doesn't like me." I heard.
"LUKE!" I hit him in the arm and he laughed.
"I'm gonna go get skip!" He said then ran out of the room, I chased him out to the pool and pushed him in, he grabbed me and pulled me in with.
Skips POV:
"Luke? Bre?" I asked walking into Luke's room.
No one was in there.
I went over to his computer to see what liked like a video of him and Bre talking.
I put on the headphones and listened.
You like Skip don't you?" He asked.
"I know you like him, I see the way you look at him and when he was making out with Lexie you looked crush." He said.
I watched her look at Luke then over to me.
"I really like him Luke, but he doesn't like me." She said.
She likes me?
Bre Brooks likes me!!!
I jumped up and fisted bumped the air.
"Skip?" I looked at the door to see Bre with a towel wrapped around her.
"Uh hi." I smiled.
She looked at the laptop and back at me.
"You watched it...." Her eyes widened and she ran into her room.

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