chapter 12

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" Bre Brooks" the nurse said.
Me and patience stood up and followed her into a room.
"Dr. Zink will be with you in a moment." She smiled and walked out.
"I'm sorry about Daniel. Maybe it's just an accident." Patience said and rubbed my back. I didn't get any sleep last night from crying.
"Yea.." I whispered.
"Hello Bre. I'm Dr.Zink." Dr. Zink said as he came into the room.
"So you say you haven't been feeling good in awhile?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Um have you had any sex lately?"
"Yea." I said. He nodded and looked down at his clipboard.
"Ok so first could you pee in this cup so we can do a test?" He asked.
He handed me a cup and I walked to the bathroom. I did as I was told and gave him the cup.
"Ok I'll be back in a few with results." He said and left.
"So... You and Daniel did the dirty?" Patience winked.
"Haha yes we did." I punched her arm.
"Oww!" She laughed and rubbed her arm.
"Thank you doctor." I shook his hand. Me and patience hurried out to my car.
"How am I going to tell Daniel? He cheated on me." I said.
"Tell your mum and brothers first." She suggested.
The drive home was silent. I didn't know what to tell them. I'm only 19, Daniel is 21. He lives in LA. I live here. He's always on tour, I'm not. Soon the fans will start to notice and it will go viral.
"Mum!" I yelled for my mum. She's probably in the living room.
I went to the living room and saw my mum asleep.
"Hmmwhat?" She asked.
"I.. I need to tell you something."
"Um OK what's up?"
"I-im .."
I told my mum and she say its best if I tell my brothers before the fans do.
"Should I call or Skype?" I asked patience.
"skype." She replied fast.
I laughed and bring out my laptop and pulled up Skype.
"Hey sexyyyy sisterrrrrrrr" Jai sung once he answered.
"Hey sexxxxyyyyy brotherrrrr" I sung back.
"Whats up?" He laughed.
"Whos all there?"
"Just me Beau, Luke and James. Daniel went out for a few." I nodded.
"Get the others I have something to tell you all." He left to go get them.
Seconds later he came back with the 3.
"Hey Sis... Whos that?" Beau asked.
I turned round to see blushing patience.
"Oh thats Patience. She is living in the spare room now and she is huge fan." I said.
"Oh hi!" He waved.
She waved back.
"Ok so what's up?"
"I'm... I'mPregnantwithDanielsbaby.." I said really fast.
"You're what?!?" They turned around and I saw Daniel at the door with a slut hanging on his arm.
"Fuck off Daniel!" Me and Beau said at the same time.
His eyes widened.
"Come on babe." The slut said.
"I- uh Bre.." He studdered and pushed the girl away from him.
"No Daniel. Leave it. You cheated on me, I trusted you. This baby will never be yours you Cunt! Go get that slut of yours pregnant!" I yelled tears running down my face.
"No Bre." He started crying.
"I'm sorry sis. We'll deal with him. We love you, take care. Bye patience." Beau said and waved at patience.
She waved back and we disconnected.
"He." I choked out.
"Shh its OK. I'll be here for you. I promise." She smiled.
"Thank you."

Daniels POV:
She's pregnant. Bre is pregnant with my baby! I'm going to be a da- i screwed up big time. Chelsea is a friend that always had a crush on me. I hated her. She's not even a friend of mine. Her best friend is Luke's friend and she comes here every time she does. It's annoying. Sure I love Marie but her slutty friend needs to back off.
"You screwed up big time." Chelsea said in her annoying voice.
"Yea I did."
"That's ok, now you can be mine." She said.
I shot my head towards her to see her completely naked on my bed.
"No. Chelsea. Bre is my girlfriend." I snapped.
"Not anymore. Come on dani I want you." She moaned and began touching herself.
As much as I wanted to I couldn't. Bre is mine.
"Luke!!" I yelled.
"Oh yay! A threesome?" She asked.
"Luke!" I yelled again.
"What-oh." He said.
He looked at me then at chelsea and back at me.
"Get her out!" I snapped he nodded and walked over to her.
"Out!" He said she didn't move.
"I said get out!" He said a bit louder.
She started touching herself again.
"CHELSEA GET DRESSED AND GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!" He yelled making her jump up and get dressed.
Once she left I turned to look.
"I need her back." His eyes widened
"I just fucking got rid of that slut!" He yelled.
"No I need your sister you cunt!" I yelled back.
His face lightened and he giggled.
"Oh haha.. Ok." He patted my back and walked out.
I will get Bre Brooks back and I will do anything i have to.

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