chapter 14

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"Wakey wakey" I heard a familiar voice say.
My eyes shot open to see Aubreys step brother Anthony. I haven't seen him in years! He has been on tour with his Band Midnight Red. Aubreys Dad married his mum and thy moved to Seattle. Aubrey stayed here to be with impossible.
"ANTHONY!" I screamed and jumped on him.
"Haha hey Munchkin." He said into my neck.
Anthony is only 3 years older than me and is hotter than hot.
He is really tan, has black hair and alot of tatoos.
I jumped off of him and smiled.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too Tony."
"ANTHONY!!" we turned around to see Aubrey running towards us. I moved out of the way so we could jump onto her brother.
"Why did you come back?!" She screamed.
"Because the band is taking a little break and I missed you guys." He smiled looking at me.
I blushed and looked down.
"So um Bre. I heard that you're pregnant?" He asked.
"Congratulations the father is a lucky man."
"Uh, yea he cheated on me right before I found out. We aren't dating.." I whispered the last part.
Before I could say anything else he pulled me into a huge hug.
"I'm so sorry Bre. That guy whoever he is, is a complete idiot for hurting you like that. I wouldn't dare do anything like that." He said.
The moment was interrupted by my phone going off.
"Mum says I need to come back home to clean." I said.
"I'll come with." He smiled.
"Okey, come on."
Patience decided to stay and hang out with the girls so it was just me and Anthony at the house as mum went shopping.
"So how has tour been?" I asked as I sat down on my bed
"It's been amazing. How's the YouTube channel going?"
"It's great." I giggled and stood back up.
I started picking up my dirty clothes and putting them in my hamper.
Anthony was sweeping my floor so I pulled out my phone.
"Smile Ladao." I turned around so he was behind me and put my phone on my new selfie stick and snapped a few pics.
I found the best one and decided to tweet it.
"@Bre_Brooks1:Reunited with my first love❤@AnthonyLadao 'photo attachment'"
It's true he was my first love. We dated for 3 years until he moved and then we broke up. I looked up at him as his phone dinged.
He took it out and smiled.
Then my phone buzzed.
"@AnthonyLadao: I missed my lover❤ ;) @Bre_Brooks1"
I giggled to myself and continued cleaning and taking selfies.
Daniels POV:
"Reunited with my First Love?!? I missed my Lover?! What the hell? Who is this cunt?" I yelled at the guys.
"Well Anthony Ladao is a singer and Dancer in Midnight Red. He is Aubreys step brother and its true he is Bres first Love. They dated for 3 years until he moved back to the states. " Beau explained.
I felt my blood boiling.
I need to do it again.. The habits are coming back.
"I-I need to go." I said and ran out the door.
I walked far away from the house and ended up at a house I never thought I would come back to.
I knocked and waited.
"Ah Daniel! You're back!" Kyle said.
He pulled me into the house and shut the door.
All I could see is smoke, all I could hear is talking and fighting.
"So what's do you need pal?"
"I need back in." I said sitting down.
"Glad to have you back skipper." He patted me on the back and handed me a gaurd for my teeth.
I ripped off my shirt and put in the gaurd.
The next thing I knew was I was in a ring getting ready to fight.
Bres POV:
"Haha Tony! Put me down!" I laughed.
He had me over his shoulder and was running around my house.
"Anthony! Put me down right now!" I shouted and he put me down
I giggled and hugged him.
I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. The next thing I knew was a warm pair of lips were placed on mine.
I pulled away and looked at him.
"I'm sorry b-" I cut him off and slammed my lips into his.
"It's been so long." I whispered.
"Yes it has" he whispered back.
I felt weird kissing him. There were no sparks. I didn't know what it meant.
"Bre will you be mine?" He asked out of the blew.
"I-I I don't know Anthony." I spoke
"Oh um, OK then." Well things just got awkward.
'' yes.'' I said loud enough.
"I love you bre."
I love you Bre.....
Anthony loves me..
But I don't love him.

I updated! I'm sorry it's short and sucks. I was rushing with this one and I wasn't sure how it should go. It will take awhile for next update cause I have family issues. And James followed me on twitter 2 days ago! I almost got sick from excitement.
So do you think Anthony and Bre are a good couple or Bre and Daniel? Will Bre go back for Daniel or will his bad habits get the best of him? Comment ideas for future chapters!
Love you all! ❤

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