chapter 10

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Week later:
Today's the day. The guys are going back out to America. Usually I wouldn't take it as bad because it was on my brothers but now its my brothers, boyfriend and best friend.
Me and patience talk all the time. She's amazing. And instead of lying about the rest of me I decided to just tell her everything about me. Well not everything. Just simple facts you know.
"Babe, its 5. Are you going to the airport with us?" Daniel asked.
I groaned and rolled over, facing him.
"I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too." He whispered and kissed my lips.
"Let's get ready." He said.
I nodded and got up.
I went to the bathroom and washed my face.
"You can do this." I mumbled.
I put my hair up in a bun and put on my joggers and Daniels sweater.
I decided I won't wear makeup as I'm gonna end up crying.
I walked out of the bathroom and put on my uggs.
I walked downstairs to see my brothers and mum hugging. Daniel and James must of went home to see their families.
"Hey banana" Luke said.
"Hey Skywalker."
He laughed and hugged me.
"I want to be the first to actually say good bye, even though Skip got to last night." He winked.
"Oh shut up loser." I giggled and hugged him back.
"Let's go pick up the other two." Beau said hugging mum.
I nodded and made my way to my car.
I hoped in and started it up as they said their last goodbyes to our mum.
"Ok, to James house!!!" Jai yelled as he jumped into the passenger seat.
"Eh no, Daniel gets front." I said and he pouted making me giggle.
Once the 3 were buckled in the back I went to James house.
"Luke sit on Jais lap, Beau scoot over and James sit there." I instructed as there was only 3 seats in the back.
They did as they were told and we headed to Daniels place.
"Yea!! Front seat bitchez!!!!!" He screamed and jumped into the passengers seat and pecked my lips.
"You look sexy in my clothes." He winked.
"Whatever." I said Rolling my eyes.
I started the car again and pulled out of the driveway.
I set my hand down on my thigh as we drove, soon I felt a hand grab mine and intertwined our fingers. I smiled and kept driving.
The drive there was silent. No one said anything. Idk if it was because they didn't want to leave or if they were still tired.
They were tired.
Once I stopped the car I got out and saw that all of the guys were asleep.
"Get up you fucking cunts!" I yelled.
They all shot their eyes open and pilled out of the car.
"Ok, let's um go check in.." Daniel said and grabbed my hand.
Once they checked in we just sat on a bench and waited.
"I don't want you to go." I whispered. Tears blurring my eyes.
"Hey babe, its ok. I will call you everyday.and I will be back sooner than you think." He said and wipped away my tears.
"I love you."
"I love you too Bre." He said and smashed his lips to mine.
"Flight to LA now boarding. Flight to LA now boarding" the attendant said through the speakers.
I stood up and hugged Daniel so tight.
"I'll miss you." He said.
I moved over to Luke and Jai and hugged them both.
"If you find a girl please tell me." I giggled.
"We'll miss you, bye." They said and kissed my cheek and walked off.
Next I went to James.
"Keep them boys in order James." I said and hugged him.
"Always." He also kissed my cheek and left.
"Beau." I cried.
He ran up to me and hugged me really tight and spun me around.
"Don't cry Sis." He said.
I nodded and hugged him back.
"I'm gonna miss you so much!" I said.
"I'll miss you too. Bye munchkin." He kissed my cheek and followed the others.
"I love you." I whispered and turned around.
"Wait!" I heard Daniel yell.
I turned back around to see him running back towards me.
He picked me up and spun me around.
"I love you " he mumbled into my neck.
"I love you too." I kissed him as he put something into my back pocket.
"Open it in the car. Bye Bre." He pecked my lips again and ran back to the boys.
They all turned and waved and walked into the plane.
I'll miss them.
I sat down in my car and pulled out the object Daniel sliped in to my pocket.
It was a box. I opened it to see the most stunning necklace. It was a heart that said BB+DS❤ awe!!!
There was also a letter.
"Turn on the radio. ~Daniel"
I turned on the radio to hear bad blood ending.
"Ok so that was Bad Blood by Taylor Swift. Next we have a special phone call from Daniel Sahyounie. He is boarding a plane right now and is on the phone with us at this moment."
The radio guy said.
"Hello Daniel!"
"Hello mate."
"So I heard that you're heading To LA?"
"Yes, haha I'm on the plane right now."
"How was it like in Australia for these 2 months? I heard you got into an accident."
"Uh yea the past 2 months have actually been amazing besides the accident. I met the most beautiful girl ever. Her name is Bre Brooks and I know she's listening to this right now." He said making me smile.
"Bre Brooks, isn't that the Brooks brother sister?"
"Well would you like to say anything before we end?"
"Yes. Bre, you're my everything. These 2 months have been amazing because of you. I'm so lucky to have you and I would do more then push you away from a speeding car and get put into a coma for weeks, I would take a bullet for you. Ever since the day I met you I knew that you were the one. I needed you to be mine. Bre Brooks, I will always love you. I'll see you soon. I promise. " he spoke.
I felt tears running down my cheeks.
"Awe so sweet. Well have a safe trip Daniel. And this next song is dedicated to these two. It's called Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran."
I smiled and turned down the radio.
I am madly in love with Daniel Sahyounie.

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