chapter 13

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"Baby listen please I'm not on drugs I'm not on drungs I'm just in love" I sung along to my radio.
It's been about 2 weeks since the whole skyping incident. Today Patience is meeting the girls and we have a surprise for her.
"Are you excited?" I asked her as I parked the car in Aubrey's driveway.
"Omg! Yes! I can't believe I'm meeting the rest of impossible!!!" She screamed
"Haha OK hun leggo." I jumped out of the car and we raced to the door.
I let her knock.
"Hey! You must be Patience!" Aubrey said and pulled her into a hug.
"Omg hi Aubrey!!" She is so happy.
She moved out of the way so patience could go in.
"Hey." I gave her a quick hug and we walked into the living room to see Ashley and Jenny playing FIFA.
"I won! Take that BITCH!!" Ashley yelled.
"Oh hey! You must be patience!" She jumped over the couch and gave her a hug, same did Jenny.
"This is the best day ever!!!!" She said
We laughed and put her in a group hug.
"Ok so patience we need to ask you something." Jenny said calmly making patience look worried.
"Um OK.."
" well since you are basically like us. You're funny, sweet and amazing and my best friend we were wondering if you want to take Lexie's place?" I asked.
"Omg. I don't know what to say.. Yes!!" She screamed. We hugged her again.
"Let's make a twitcam to announce it!" Aubrey ran to her room and came back with her laptop.
She set it up while we tweeted saying big news on twitcam in 10.
10 mins later:
"Hey!!! We're impossible!" We all said.
"Ok so I tweeted saying that we have big news. Who wants to hear it?!" I asked
We soon got a lot of replys saying "me!" Or "tell us!"
"Ok well you all know Patience right? The one that's living with me well... Drum roll please!" Ashley and Jenny did a drum roll.
"Patience is the new member of impossible!" We all clapped.
We started answering questions.
"Patience, who is your celebrity crush?" I winked at her.
"Um.. My celebrity crush is.. Beau Peter Brooks." She mumbled.
The comments started exploding.
"Patience and Beau are perf!" I read
"Peau, beauce, batience."
"Bre, are you really pregnant with Daniels baby?" I read.
Me and the girls looked at each other shocked.
"I'll be right back!" I said and ran up to Aubrey's room.
I dialed Luke.
"Hey." He said
"Who told?!"
"Who told what?"
"Fans are asking if I'm pregnant with Daniels Baby."
"Seriously?! I'm putting you on speaker."
"Who did It?!" I yelled
"We don't know."
"Ask Daniel!"
"Daniel, did you tell the fans Bre is pregnant?" I could here him ask.
"No but I bet I know who did." He replied.
"Chelsea.." I could feel anger boiling up in me.
"Woah calm down Babe. She was there when you said it." He said calmly.
"Ok Bre that's enough. We'll talk later and maybe it's best if you tell the fans." Luke said.
"Whatever. Bye." I hung up and stomped down the stairs to see the girls still on twitcam.
"Ok I'm gonna tell the truth." I spoke making them all turn towards me.
Ashley and patience scooted apart so I would sit in between them, right in front of the cam.
I breathed in deep and sat down.
"Hey guys I'm back." I said.
"Ok so many of you are asking this crazy question and yes its true. I am pregnant with Daniels baby." I said and began reading comments.
"Did you and Daniel break up?" I closed my eyes as I read this.
"Um yes me and Daniel are no longer dating for personal reasons.." I felt my eyes water up.
"Do you still love him? Of course I do. He's is the best thing that's ever happen to me but I'm not going into detail on our problems." I sighed.
"Bye guys, we love you!!" We sang.
"What should we do now?" I asked shutting the laptop.
"DARE OR DARE?!!!" Aubrey yelled
We laughed and agreed.
"Ok Bre. Dare or Dare?"
"That's a hard one... Dare!" I giggled.
"I dare you to go to my neighbors house and start dancing singing I'm worth it." I busted out laughing and ran out the door.
I knocked on the door and a teen boy answered. Pretty cute may I add.
I started twerking and doing random dances.
"Give it to me im worth it, yea I'm worth it ,baby I'm worth it!" I sung. I did a quick grind on him and ran away gigging.
I noticed that they recorded it.
"Ok Ashley Dare or Dare?"
"I dare you to call James and say that you're really horny for him and put it on speaker." I laughed.
She agreed and dialed James putting it on speaker.
"Jamessss baby" she moaned
"Ashley?" He laughed
"Mm James I want you." We had to hold back our laughs.
"Well.. I-im here." He hesitated.
"No James. I want you. I'm fucking horny for you baby." She moaned.
"Omg. Ashley I don't know what to say. " he said
"Ugh I just came sorry James. Call you later sexy." She made a kissing sound and hung up. We busted out laughing.
"He just texted saying that he's so confused." She laughed.
"Jenny, Dare or Dare?" Ashley asked.
"I dare you to the mall and pour milk on your head in a crowded area and walk out."
We just finished Dare or Dare and decided to post it since we recorded it.
"Goodnight guys." I said.
We ended up falling asleep in sleeping bags in Aubreys living room.

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