Chapter 1- A Cosmic Call

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3rd POV (On Mobius)

Amy, Cream, and Lux are with Tails as he is stargazing. He has a camera ready to record. A picnic is also set up.

"How much longer do we have to wait, Tails?" Cream asks.

"I'm not exactly sure, Cream. Not too long." Tails answers.

"This would be so romantic if Sonic were here to see it with me! Soon the whole sky will be filled with shooting stars!" said Amy.

"It would be even better if Shadow were here." Lux states.

"Shadow. You mean your boyfriend." Amy teases. A vein appears on Lux's forehead.

"He's not my boyfriend, Amy! He's a boy! Who's a friend! Who happens to be busy doing whatever!" Lux retorts. 3 months ago, Shadow and Rouge had to take care of some stuff. Tails looked up through the camera.

"According to the astronomers, we'll only get a meteor shower this humongous once every five hundred years or so. We're really lucky to be here." Tails informed.

"I certainly wouldn't want to wait that long to see it again, would you?" Cream asks.

"Chao!" Cheese chirped.

"We should all make a wish!" Amy suggested.

"Why should we do that?" Tails asks confused.

"Chris told us when you make a wish whenever you see a shooting star, it'll come true, remember, Tails?" Cream states.

"Yeah. It's too bad Chris and Chuck aren't here to see this with us." Tails points out.

"I miss them. I wish we could go back to their world for a visit." Cream says sadly. Just then everyone looks up as a shooting star flies past. Tails looks back through the camera.

"It's starting!" said Tails as more shooting stars fly by.

"It's beautiful!" Lux says in amazement.

"They look like fireworks!" said Cream.

"I'm sure glad I brought a camera." said Tails. Suddenly, one of the shooting stars heads towards them.

"That sure is a weird looking meteor." Amy states.

"Yeah! A meteor that's heading straight for us!" Lux yelled.

Tails looks up. The four duck down as the object sails right over them. It explodes in the distance. Smoke billows from the impact zone as Tails, Lux, Amy, Cream, and Cheese run there.

"That's no shooting star." Amy points out as they run over.

The object is, indeed not a shooting star, but a crashed spaceship. A young alien girl is unconscious nearby, clearly thrown from the ship. Tails holds her up. She begins to stir.

"She needs help." Tails states.

"Your house is the closest one around here, Cream. I think we should take her there." Amy suggests. Cream flaps her ears, and she and Cheese take off.

"I hope that she's ok." Lux says in concern. They take the girl to Cream's house and lay her on the bed. Eventually, she wakes up. She tries to get up.

"There my dear, don't try to get up." Vanilla tells the girl, who turns to the others.

"You were in a big crash. You're really lucky that you didn't have any serious injuries." Amy tells her.

"Maybe you could tell us your name and where you and your ship came here from." said Cream.The girl slowly nods, covers her mouth, then shakes her head.

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