Chapter 8- Station Break-In (Part 2)

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3rd POV (The Metarex Station)

Chris, Rouge, Lux and Shadow are looking out a viewport. There is a battleship and a large group of smaller Metarex ships outside.

"Uh oh." said Chris.

"I think we're in trouble, now." said Lux

"You said it, guys." Rouge agreed. Shadow picks up his walkie talkie.

"Listen up, Shadow! In the interest of self-preservation, I'm calling off this clambake!" Eggman states through the walkie talkie.

"I don't understand. I thought we were to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds." Shadow repliedon the walkie talkie.

"Oh, blast the Emeralds! These Metarex monstrosities are about to make a meal out of us!" Eggman retorts through the walkie talkie. Suddenly, a booming voice speaks through space.

"Attention intruders. Make no effort to escape. am Red Pine. I and my three commanders serve the all-powerful Dark Oak." said Red Pine. Lux's comlink actives.

"Lux, Chris, Shadow, do you read me?" Amy asks through the comlink.

"What's wrong, Amy?" Lux asks on the comlink.

"Please help!" Amy cries out through the comlink.

"The Metarex." said Chris. He, Lux, Shadow, and Rouge run down the corridor.

"Shadow, wait! Why can't we find a way out of here together?" Chris asks Shadow, who's ahead.

"He's only interested in getting out of here to fight." Rouge states.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Shadow retorts. Rouge cuts in front of Shadow, forcing him to stop.

"Of course I know what I'm taking about, Shads. You always say that you'll keep in fighting like you've always have." Rouge tells him

"I do not say that." Shadow denied.

"Oh yeah, then what is it that you say? 'Cowards run, I win'? 'I'm the ultimate lifeform'?" Lux asks mockingly. Shadow growls in annoyance.

"What I think that Rouge and Lux are trying to say Shadow, is that you shouldn't face against the Metarex alone." Chris tells him. Shadow sighs.

"Ok, your right Chris. Let's go together." Shadow pulls out a red Chaos Emerald. He grabs Rouge's arm, who grabs Lux's hand, who grabs Chris' hand.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow yelled. They teleport into the cockpit of the Crimson Egg

"Well, if it isn't Chris, Lux, and Shadow. Long time no see." Eggman greets mockingly as he laughs. The three glare at him.

"I see that you've escaped from those Metarex meanies. Besides, little squirts like you three would've been no match for those guys." Eggman claimed.

"I thought you said we were all on the same team. I should've known you'd run when the going got tough." Chris tells him.

"Well, better safe then sorry, I say. We don't want to get hurt, do we, kid?" Eggman asks.

"I'm not a kid, okay?!" Chris yelled.

"Whatever you say, kid. Ah yes, another day, another conquest. Let's not waste any more time. It's been nice knowing ya, my enemies." said Eggman. Shadow smirks, forming a plan.

"Actually, it's been nice knowing you too, Doctor." Shadow tells him.

"Really?" Eggman asks.

"Really!" Lux uses her light powers to momentarily blind Eggman before Chris pulls out a flash grenade.

He throws it down, then uses the distraction to take the two Chaos Emeralds. Shadow warps them out of the cockpit. Chris pockets the Chaos Emeralds, locates a spaceship, and climbs inside.

Shadow and Lux ride on the wings. Chris flies off the Crimson Egg and sees all the Metarex Ships firing at the Metarex station.  He flies the stolen ship through the tight enclosure of the Metarex Station.

A flying Meterax shoots lasers from behind. One of the lasers strike the engine of the ship, causing the the trio to have a crash landing. Chris crawls out of the ship dazed.

Shadow and Lux fight the flying Metarex, but are knocked down it's lasers. A lasers nearly hits Chris, causing him stumble and fall down the shaft with the 2 Chaos Emeralds. Luckily, he's saved by Knuckles. Knuckles flies Chris out of the shaft. Lux and Shadow jump on the X-Tornado. As the X-Tornado comes to rest at the surface above, Chris opens the hatch.

He throws the red and purple Chaos Emeralds to Sonic, who is just finishing off a Metarex Trooper. Shadow also sees them. The red and purple Chaos Emeralds glow. The blue, green, and white Chaos Emeralds on the ground glow. The cyan and yellow Emerald in the possession of the Metarex Trooper glow. All seven Emeralds are together. Then there is an extremely bright light, bright enough to be seen outside the Metarex station.

Super Sonic and Super Shadow face each other. Sonic throws a wave of Chaos energy behind him, destroying the last of the Metarex Troopers, before he and Super Shadow fly outside.

"Alright! We're both in Super forms. Doesn't this remind you of the good old day, Shadow?" Super Sonic asks Super Shadow.

"This isn't the time, Sonic. We have to destroy that Metarex fleet." Super Shadow points out.

The Metarex Fighters open fire on the two superpowered hedgehogs, but they throw Chaos energy at them. They get destroyed in the process. As Super Sonic and Super Shadow fight the Metarex Fighters, the station starts to crack. It warps and twists as a black hole appears.

Super Sonic and Super Shadow watch as bits and pieces of metal fly into the gravitational field. They try to break free of the black hole, which starts to consume some of the Metarex Fighters. The two superpowered hedgehogs hang on for dear life. The Crimson Egg pulls up alongside them.

"That's Eggman!" Super Sonic calls out.

As the Crimson Egg descends into the gravitational field, Super Shadow dives after it. He uses all his power to initiate Chaos Control and teleport it to safety. Shadow's Super state wears off. Meanwhile, all seven Chaos Emeralds fall into the gravitational field. Super Sonic is still hanging on.

He noticed the Typhoon flying above him. Chunks of metal rain down around him. He clings to the metal chunk and resigns to his fate. They use the power of the Master Emerald to get away from the black hole.

"I hope Shadow's okay." Lux says worryingly

"He's be okay, Lux. After all, he is Shadow." Amy reassured

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