Chapter 15- Galactic Battle (Part 3)

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3rd POV (Somewhere in Space)

The gang looked at Final Mova, which has entered its second phase. It beats like a heart.

"It looks so strange. What is that thing?" Amy asks. At the Blue Typhoon, Tails looks at the readings of Final Mova.

"This doesn't look good! Its energy is increasing so rapidly... our scanners can't measure it!" Tails states.

"Blast! The forestation process is getting too powerful for us to stop!" Eggman yelled. Shadow and Lux leaps towards Final Mova.

"Shadow! Lux!" Chris cried out.

"Let's help him." said Sonic.

Chris nods and flies towards the pulsating seed. He fires a line of rings. Sonic leaps through the rings and impacts Final Mova, sending waves of energy all across its surface. Final Mova emits a purple-black gas that pushes him away, and the spaceship also.

Not even Shadow's wave of Chaos Spears or Lux's shower of light energy beams can do any damage. The purple gas surrounds the two and knocks them away. Chris's ship crashes through a few of the palm trees.

Amy flies towards the Typhoon. Sonic flies after her, catching her as they collide into the ship together. They land on the ground.

"Thanks, Sonic." Amy thanked.

Shadow skids to a stop on the runway. He catches Lux bridal style. The Chaotix, Cream, and Rouge enter the bridge.

"We got all the Emeralds." said Vector as he, Charmy, and Espio present the Chaos Emeralds. They're drained of their color and energy.

"But look, they're useless now." Knuckles points out.

"Those poor Chaos Emeralds... All their power is gone." Creams says sadly.

"Chao! Chao!" Cheese chirped.

"That's just great! We don't have a single working Emerald! How can we fight back without extra power?" Knuckles asks.

"Eggman!" Tails calls out as Eggman appears over the video.

"Listen. According to my calculations, there's a chance we could restore the power of the Chaos Emeralds. However, it will take the energy of both out ships." Eggman informed.

Final Mova emits wave after wave of purple energy across the entire universe, instantly forestating all the planets that had their Planet Eggs removed. When hit by the wave, Amy starts to collapse.

"You ok." Sonic asks. Plants start to grow on the Typhoon, and a strange energy surrounds everyone.

"I'm starting to feel weak..." said Chris.

"I... can't move..." Lux says weakly, falling on her knees. At the Blue Typhoon, Vector, Charmy and Espio drop the Chaos Emeralds."

"What's happening, Tail?" Cosmo asks.

"Dark Oak is taking the life energy out of our bodies, just like they did to all the planets they attacked." Tails informed.

"It's drawing in all life energy it can find to spread plant life across the galaxy. It's the last stage of the forestation process." Eggman explained. Tails realized that Cosmo isn't affected. Cosmo picks up the dead Chaos Emeralds.

"Cosmo?" Tails asks.

"Dark Oak cannot take my life energy away from me, because we both come from the same species of plant. I'll take care of this." She leaves. Tails does nothing to stop her. Cosmo looks for a way to board Eggman's craft.

"I'll take these Emeralds to Dr. Eggman so he can restore their power." Cosmo states. She climbs the vines surrounding the Crimson Egg.

"Dark Oak, there's still time for me to to stop your plan!" Cosmo claimed.

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