Chapter 7- Station Break-In (Part 1)

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3rd POV (In the Blue Typhoon- Bridge)

"How do you know you can't break in unless you try?" Knuckles asks.

"You saw what happened to that meteorite! It's too dangerous!" said Tails.

"Hey, guys. We need to come up with a plan here." Sonic points out.

"I agree with Faker. We need to think this through." Shadow agreed. Suddenly, Eggman appears on the viewscreen. Everyone looks up.

"Don't worry about that, Sonic. I've got it all figured out. I have a proposal for you. Why don't we join our forces and work together?" Eggman offered.

"Say what?!" Lux yelled in disbelief. Later, the gang (without Cosmo) are standing in a circle, discussing Eggman's message.

"Like I've said before, we shouldn't trust the Doctor, it could be a trick." Shadow points out.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Lux agreed.

"Yeah, don't even think about it, Knuckles!" Amy warned.

"I didn't say anything." Knuckles replied.

"I think we should work with Eggman. Our chances are better that way." Sonic suggests.

"I agree." Tails agreed as the others (except Lux and Shadow) nodded.

"Lux, Shadow?" Sonic asks.

"Okay. But if Eggman attempts to trick us, I'm gonna personally turn him into Egg foo young." Lux states.

"Even though I still don't trust the Doctor, I'm going to with you to stop the Metarex." Shadow replied.

"Alright. Let's go for it, Eggman." Sonic tells Eggman.

"So, how are we gonna get in the base?" Chris asks.

"We can sneak in without getting caught by using Chaos Control." Eggman answered through viewscreen. Everyone looks at Shadow.

"Sounds cool!" said Sonic.

"What'll we do when we find the Emeralds, though? Will we share them fifty-fifty?" Knuckles asks.

"Whoever gets to them first can keep them." Eggman confirmed through the viewscreen.

"It's a deal!" said Sonic.

"To make sure it's a fair contest, both sides will supply members for the entry team. I've selected Rouge to represent our side." Eggman states through viewscreen. The gang (including Cosmo) gather around to have a discussion.

"I'm not goin'. I won't work with that burglaring bat anymore!" Knuckles states

"Maybe we should pick a name out of a hat." Cream suggests.

"I'll volunteer." said Chris, stepping forward.

"So am I." said Lux as she walks towards Chris. Shadow volunteered as well.

"Are you sure?" Amy asks.

"Yes. You approve?" Chris asks Sonic.

"Sure, guys." Sonic replied.

"Please promise us you'll be very careful and stay close to the others." Cosmo tells the trio.

"We will." Shadow reassured. The three head over to the Crimson Egg where Rouge is waiting for them.

"Ready, team?" Lux asks. Chris and Rouge nod. Shadow holds up a red Chaos Emerald.

"Chaos Control!" Shadow yelled as the red Chaos Emerald teleports them out of they ship. They teleport in a Metarex Station

"We're inside the base. We're gonna start looking for the security system controls." Chris tells Sonic on the comlink.

"We copy. Be careful, guys." Sonic replied over the comlink.

"We will." Lux states on the comlink.

Later on, Shadow, Rouge, Lux, and Chris watch as a giant Metarex Pinchershead stomps past them down a hallway.

"All clear." Rouge tells the others.

She, Lux and Chris break cover and run to the other side of the hall. Shadow teleports in front of them, startling Chris and Lux.

"Shadow! Don't do that!" Lux scolds.

"Say, why don't we split up to look for that control room?" Rouge suggests.

"No." said Shadow.

"Why not?" Rouge asks.

"The doctor wants us to stay together." Shadow tells her.

"Oh, really. Remember the last time the four of us used Chaos Control? As I recall, the circumstances were rather explosive." Rouge reminds Chris and Lux.

"You mean Prison Island." Chris recalled.

"Rouge, what are you up to?" Lux asks suspiciously, but Rouge ignores her.

"I was afraid Shadow would leave me there. And do you remember what happened next?" Rouge asks.

"Of course I do. Shadow transported us to Space Colony ARK." Chris states.

"That's right. Shadow, wasn't that the home of your friend Maria?" Rouge asks Shadow.

"Maria!" Shadow cries out. holding his head in agony. He drops to his knees as the memories come flooding in his head.

"Shadow!" Chris and Lux run to Shadow's aid. Rouge takes off in the hall.

"Come back here!" Shadow yelled, still on his knees.

"I'll go after her." with that, Lux takes off in the hall after Rouge.

"Sorry, boys, I have to go find those Chaos Emeralds!" Rouge states. She and Lux rounds the corner, only to see a Metarex Pinchershead in her way.

"Move it, creep!" Rouge Screw Kicks the neck of the Pinchershead, destroying it.

Three more stand in her way. Lux jumps over a Metarex Pinchershead and uses a light energy beam to destroy it midair. A tail of another Metarex Pinchershead slams her against the wall.

Rouge tries to dodge them, but one of them scoops her up in its mouth. Suddenly, Shadow comes to the rescue. He spins through the Pinchersheads, freeing Rouge. As the base's alarm sounds, Rouge collapses to her knees as Shadow lands in front of her. Lux walks up to them.

"Don't run off." Shadow tells them sternly.

"Since you put it that way..." Rouge replies annoyed.

"I was only trying to stop her from going on her own after she tricked you!" Lux points out, getting into Shadow's face.

The two glare at each other. Just then, Chris notices the room on the other side of one of the destroyed walls.

"Hey look! We may have found the control room!" Chris enters the control room.

"Wait, up!" Shadow calls out as he, Lux, and Rouge follow him into the control room. Chris at work with one of the computers.

"We're in luck. This computer runs the security system." Chris explains.

"Time to do what we do the best." Lux states.

She, Shadow, and Rouge use their respective powers/abilities to destroy several canisters, creating a lot of explosions. Chris presses a few buttons to turn off the defense mechanism.

"Do you read me? The computer's shut down!" Chris informed on the comlink.

"Great job, Chris!" Sonic praised through the comlink.

"Let's go!" Shadow tells the others.

They run in a hall where a Metarex Pinchershead is in the way. Shadow spins through a Metarex Pinchershead then takes off, with Rouge, Lux Chris following him. They race through the Metarex station, unaware of the coming fight between Sonic and Dark Oak: leader of the Metarex.

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