Chapter 9- Battle Against Yellow Zelkova

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3rd POV (At the Blue Typhoon)

It's been weeks since the gang invaded the Meterax Station. Shadow got separated from the others by a black hole in order to save Eggman. He's keeping an eye on the Doctor while also giving the gang information on his schemes. This gave made them one step ahead of Eggman. Knuckles is in the chamber where the Master Emerald is, working on something.

"All right, everything's tightened up and good to go. You can take off whenever you're ready." Knuckles states through the radio.

"Roger!" Tails replied. Later at the bridge, Sonic, Tails, Chris, Lux, Amy, Cosmo, and Cream watch the wormhole. Knuckles joins them.

"So way beyond that gravity pull, there's an even deeper part of space called the Intergalactic Cloister?" Amy asks.

"I'm no expert, but it sounds pretty accurate to me." Tails replied. Cosmo nods. Everyone looks around silently.

"Something bothering you?" Chris asks Sonic.

"I've been thinking... Everyone back home must be worrying an awful lot about you these days. I feel like we oughta think of a way to get you back there, don't you think?" Sonic states.

"But... how can you say that? You think I could just abandon you to battle those Metarex alone? There's no way!" Chris claimed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Sonic admits.

"Sure I am! And besides, don't forget, I'm eighteen now, which means I get to be your chaperone, which means you won't get into too much trouble." Chris points out.

"Chaperone?" Sonic asks.

"That's right!" Chris confirmed. The two share a laugh.

Later, the Blue Typhoon flies towards a wormhole. It enters the wormhole and everything starts to distort around the gang.

"Freaky..." said Amy.

"I feel weird." said Tails.

"I need peppermint tea and some crackers after this." Lux groan, feeling like she gonna puke.

Tails gasps in shock and lifts a paper that says 'Super Ultra Mega-Wave Motion Propulsive Engine'. The entire ship flexes with the motion, but manages to hold together. Everyone eventually passes out. Sonic is the first to wake up. The flexing of the ship has stopped.

"Everybody ok?" Sonic asks the others as they regain consciousness.

"Where the heck are we?" Lux asks. They appear to be in a giant cave-like area.

"It looks so strange." Amy comments.

"Strange isn't the word for it." Tails states.

"We're in the Cloister." Cosmo points out.

"We made it!" said Chris.

"Now we gotta get to the other side." said Sonic.

As the ship flies on, it passes by what appears to be giant roots. Knuckles joins the others in the bridge.

"This place is more twisted than I thought." said Knuckles.

"Twisted is right. That's space debris from surrounding planets left to float around in space." Tails explained.

"Looks gross if you ask me." Amy states in disgust. Suddenly the Typhoon slows to a halt.

"What's going on, Tails?" Lux asks. Tails pulls up an overhead map of the Typhoon and scrolls in on one of the engines.

"I think we're stuck." Tails tells the others.

The gang head out of the Blue Typhoon to extricating the Typhoon from the roots that scratched the ship. They use tools such as sickles.

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