Chapter 6- An Underground Odyssey

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3rd POV (In the Blue Typhoon)

It's been weeks since the gang battle against Metarex Deserd. During the fight, Lux got badly injured while protecting Shadow. Due to her injury, Lux could go on missions for a while. Lux is fully healed and wants to test out her powers. Lux and Shadow are in the training, circling each other.

"Are you sure you want me to do this? I don't want to hurt you." Shadow tells her.

"I've handled worse. Give me all ya got, Shadow. I can take it." Lux reassures.

She charges towards Shadow but he warps behind her. Shadow tries to punch Lux, But she steps aside. Lux goes into a handstand and grabs Shadow's arm with her legs. She throws Shadow to the other side of the room, but Shadow lands on both feet.

"Impressive. Your combat skills are just as good as your powers." Shadow praised.

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you." Lux replied, giving Shadow the beckoning sign.

Shadow heads towards Lux and roundhouse kicks her, but she blocks it. Shadow uses his other leg to kick Lux in the chest. Shadow attempts to punch Lux, but she warps her leg around his arm. She then kicks Shadow several feet away while doing backflip. Shadow gets up.

"Good match." Lux tells Shadow.

"Yeah." Shadow agreed.

"Let's head to bridge to see if the others found a Chaos Emerald." Lux suggest.

They head outside the Blue Typhoon where Tails, Knuckles, and Cosmo are. Tails is typing on his comlink.

"My comlink's indicating that there's a Chaos Emerald nearby, but it won't pinpoint where exactly." Tails says on the comlink.

"Could be this one's buried way underground where it's hard to get to. Just means we're all gonna have to work a little harder to find it, that's all." Chris states through the comlink. He's flying the X-Tornado.

"Well, let's not all stand here twiddling our thumbs. Let's look for this thing!" Knuckles says over the comlink.

"Yeah! Move it down there, will ya?" Sonic says through the comlink. Tails Knuckles, Shadow, and Lux look up to see the X-Tornado fly overhead.

Later, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Lux and Cosmo walk through an abandoned stone city.

"Why do I have a sneaking suspicion the Metarex have been here too? This place gives me the creeps." Tails states.

"Yeah, just another sad dead planet." Shadow adds. Tails and Cosmo stop, the latter looking around.

"Look around. Families lived here once. Children played all day without a care in the world. They didn't know what was coming. Now they're all gone, just like Mother, and Galaxina, and they'll never come back! Sometimes I miss them so much." Cosmo states sadly. Tails turns to her.

"What that?" Tails asks.

"Nothing." Cosmo replied, looking down.

"Take a look at this, Tails!" Knuckles calls out. Tails and Cosmo join Knuckles, Shadow, and Lux. They look down into what appears to be a bottomless pit.

"This has to be at least a mile deep." Shadow estimated. Tails opens his comlink, and a blip indicating a Chaos Emerald appears.

"This is it, you guys. The Chaos Emerald's down there somewhere." Tails confirmed.

He flies Cosmo down the cliff, Knuckles climbs down, Shadow uses his hover shoes to descend down the cliff, and Lux creates light energy platforms down the cliff and heads down. Cosmo sees a cave opening below them.

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