Chapter 2- Off into Space

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3rd POV (On Angel Island)

Chris regains consciousness as he stands up.

"What's going on? What's with my clothes? Did I shrink or something?" Chris asks as the Master Emerald's glow dies down.

Chris looks over the sleeves of his lab coat, which is now too big for him.

"Great to see ya, Chris!" said Tails.

"Tails! " Chris cries out. Cream, Lux, and Amy approach him.

"It's about time you showed up!" Amy tells Chris as he nudges him.

"We haven't seen you in like...forever!" Lux states.

"Hey, Amy! Hey, Lux!" Chris greets.

"It's good to see you." said Knuckles.

Everyone except Sonic, Shadow, and Cosmo are excitedly surrounding Chris and all talking at once.

"Sonic, who is that boy?" Cosmo asks Sonic.

"He's my friend." Sonic answers. Chris overhears, and is overwhelmed in gratitude that Sonic still remembers him.

"Hi, Sonic." said Chris.

"How ya doin', pal?" Sonic asks. Chris carefully approaches Sonic, trying not to trip on his giant clothes.

"Sonic, I can't believe I'm really here. It's been a long time coming." Chris tells Sonic.

"I knew you'd get here sooner or later, buddy." Sonic states.

"You haven't changed a bit. Come to think of it...none of you have." Chris points out to the others.

"Doesn't look like you changed much, either, 'cept for the baggy clothes. Is that some new style or somethin'?" Sonic asks.

"No! I-I don't know what's going on!" Chris cries out, holding up his oversized sleeves.  Suddenly, Sonic collapses.

"Sonic!" Chris yells, bending down over Sonic as the others gather around him.

"Sonic, what's wrong?" Amy asks. Cosmo covers her mouth in shock.

"What's going on?" Lux asks.

"Say something!" Knuckles yells

"Wake up, Faker!" Shadow shouts.

"He's okay. I think he's just exhausted." Tails confirmed.

"Yeah, I guess he still has to recover from that battle." Knuckles admits.

"Sonic got injured in a battle?" Chris asks.

"Do we got a story to tell you." Lux states.

Later at Cream's house, Vanilla is putting Sonic to bed.

"You rest now, Sonic." said Vanilla.

Chris is in the bathroom, looking over his new body. Later on, everyone gathers in the living room, where Cosmo is recalling the events of earlier that day.

"Your friend Sonic was fighting against a Metarex." Cosmo confirmed.

"A Metarex?" Amy asks.

"I don't know how many there are, but they've been attacking planets all over the galaxy. Their goal is to unify all the planets under one absolute rule." Cosmo explained.

"Let me guess, their rule." said Knuckles.

"That's right. They've already extinguished so many planets." said Cosmo.

"Extinguished? They're destroyed those planets?" Shadow asks.

"The Metarex don't just conquer planets. They take the Planet Eggs. The Planet Eggs are like the hearts of planets. Without them, planets lose their power to nurture and sustain life. They become just cold, barren rocks drifting through space. And now that they've taken your Planet Egg, your world will soon wither away, just like the others have." Cosmo finished.

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