Chapter 10- Dark Sonic Appears

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3rd POV (The Blue Typhoon -Bridge)

"Hey, Tails. Why don't you try steering the ship on a different course now?" Sonic suggested. Cheese is sleeping in his lap.

"I guess I can. But where exactly do you want me to go, Sonic?" Tails asks.

"Wherever. It doesn't matter. It's just we've been going in this direction since the Metarex began chasing us twelve hours ago, and I've been wondering why they haven't fired a shot at us." Sonic explained.

"Are you suggesting that the Metarex tricked us into going this way?" Cosmo questions.

"Is this a trap, Sonic?" Lux asks.

"Why don't we find out?" said Sonic.

"OK! And while we're at it, we can test out how accurate their tracking sensors are. Let's push our speed to the max! Chris, increase auxiliary engines to maximum power!" Tails states determinedly.

"Roger. Increasing power now." said Chris.

"Turn to Mark 3.1" said Tails.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? They're turning too!" Amy points out.

"It's a laser blast. The Metarex are firing at us." Chris tells them, looking out the window.

"All shields up!" Cream activates the shields as soon a an energy beam attempts to strike the Blue Typhoon.

"Guess they don't want us going this way." said Knuckles, relaxing on the staircase.

"Change course to Mark 0.8! Maintain speed!" said Tails. The Typhoon turns ten degrees to the left.

"But there are three ships approaching at Mark 370, and they're coming at us full speed!" Lux points out as three small round Metarex spaceships approach the Typhoon.

"Quick! Target those ships now!" Tails ordered.

"You got it!" Chris types on his keypad.

"Lux! Load six missiles and prepare to fire on my command!" Tails tells Lux, who prepares to fire the missiles

"Fire!" Tails yelled as several missiles are launched, destroying all three ships in the distance.

"All three ships have been destroyed! Five more are on the way." Chris informed.

"Return to original coordinates!" Tails ordered.

"Roger!" Chris replied.

"Cream! Keep all the shields up!" Tails tells Cream.

"Roger!" Cream responds. The five Metarex Fighters fly away from the Typhoon.

"The Metarex ships turned around. They aren't chasing us anymore." Chris tells the gang.

"The Metarex are up to something." Tails says suspiciously.

"Looks to be that way." Lux agreed.

"Chris, are there any Metarex ahead of us?" Knuckles asks.

"I've been trying to search the area with our scanners, but so far I haven't detected anything at all. It's possible that somebody's jamming our scanners." Chris states while typing. An image of the space in front of them is projected.

"Then it is a trap. We should turn around." Knuckles suggests.

"No way. I'm really curious to know what the Metarex are scheming." Sonic states.

"You want us to stay on course? That doesn't make any sense, Sonic! We're bound to get attacked!" Knuckles points out.

"That's what I'm hoping for." Sonic replied with a smirk. Up ahead is a crater-filled planet.

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