1.He's just being a supportive friend

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I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing  on my nightstand. Jordan. I roll over and grab my phone to see multiple messages from my best friend.
Wifeyy🫶🏻: bro- did you die?
Wifeyy🫶🏻: ........
'Boof' is something we startling calling each other after I misspelled goof a while back. I let out a sleepy laugh as I swipe right on one of the notifications to reply to her texts

                                                      GOOD MORNING BOOFER AND NO I DIDNT DIE I JUST WOKE UP😤

                                                                      LMAO😭anyways, wyd today

                                I'm not sure probably nothing 
                                                I might go hang with
                                 the triplets if they're not busy

oooo fun and maybe you'll finally get the guts to tell Matt how you feel about him🤭

                                Ong-NEVER😳 I'd rather die

lmfao😭 ur so dumb
imagine he liked you too though and you never knew
                     JORDAN STOP TRYING TO MAKE
                                     ME MORE DELUSIONAL
                                THAN I ALREADY AM OMG

AHHAHAHA OK OK isn't that my job tho?

                                                             ok I gotta go
               I need to get ready so I'll text you laterr

ok bye  girly🫶
I've known the triplets ever since I was nine. I basically grew up with them, and they're like brothers to me now. Well....except for Matt, because I've been in love with him since the 11th grade.

I toss my phone to the side and get up out of bed. I stretch and my back makes the most horrendous cracking noise, "ew what the fuck?" I whisper to my self. I shake my head and walk to the bathroom.

After I do my skincare routine, makeup, and hair, I pick out my outfit for the day.
I throw on a black cropped tank top with some cargo pants and my favorite shoes:
black and white Converse.
Afterwards, I take a few selfies to post on my instagram. I pick the ones I like the most and upload them.

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Liked by matthew

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Liked by matthew.sturniolo and 1,978 others
Elliee.wilson: xoxo lovelies💋🫶🏻
nicolassturniolo: STUNNING🤩

_user: omg she's sooo pretty

love.forellie: I think I just died-

christophersturniolo: real ones know she prob woke up like 30 minutes before posting these

matthew.sturniolo: you look amazing🩷

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I stare at Matt's comment on my post for about 2 minutes, he just said I look amazing. I giggle and throw my self onto the bed, I can feel my face heating up. I need to stop it he's just being a supportive friend THAT. IS. ALL. Nothing more.

I scroll on Pinterest for a few minutes before I decide to call Nick. I press the call button on his contact, put the phone on speaker and wait for him to pick up.

"Heyy what's up?" I hear his voice through the phone. "Hey Nick! Nothing much, are you guys busy today?" I ask, hoping he says no. "Umm no actually we don't have anything planned. Do you wanna come over?"
"Yeah of course! I'll be there in a little bit" I say, excitedly. "Ok cool, we'll see you later then!" He says. "Ok, bye!" "Byee," he says before hanging up.

I jump up off my bed and walk over to my closet door to get my bag hanging on the door knob. I put my lipgloss and face powder in there, my water bottle, and the book I'm currently reading: If He Had Been With Me. I know I most likely won't read it while I'm there, but I like to have a book with me at all times. Just in case. I grab my Billie Eilish sweater and my keys on my desk, then Im headed out.

I get into my car and turn the key into the ignition. I put my seat belt on and put my phone on aux. I press shuffle on my Taylor Swift playlist, the intro of "I Think He Knows" starts playing through the speakers. "Ooh, perfect," I say. I turn it up louder and tap my hands on the steering wheel along to the beat.

Just a little note: the writing is in bold bc I'm blind asf and it's easier for me to see what I'm typing 😅

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