2.God...I love this girl

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Matt's POV:
Me, Nick, and Chris are all sitting on the couch discussing different topics to talk about and ideas for Friday's video. Nick is scrolling through something on his phone when he says, "how about we do another Q&A with Ellie?" I look up at him and nod a little too fast, "I think that's a great idea," I say, trying not to show how overly excited I am.

We haven't filmed a video with her in a while, so I think It would be fun to do one. "Yeah, but what if she doesn't want to?" Chris replies. "That's why we ask dumbass," Nick tells him and rolls his eyes. Chris glares at him. "don't call me a dumbass," he mutters. I shake my head and laugh.

A few moments later someone knocks at the door. I jolt up off the couch before either of my brothers can react. "I'll get it." I rush to the door, almost tripping down the stairs. When I open the door I see her standing there, looking more beautiful than ever. Her eyes light up and she smiles at me. "Hey Matty!" She says. She hugs me and I hug her back, wrapping my arms around her. As much as I should probably hate that nickname, I must admit I like when she calls me that.

I let her go and My heart is racing. "Hey Ellie." I smile, running a hand through my hair nervously. She walks in, I close the door behind her. "How are you?" I ask. "I'm good, you?" She responds as we walk up the stairs, and into the living room. "Good," I say.

She says hi to Nick and Chris, and gives them both hugs. Nick takes her bag and sweater and puts them on the kitchen table.

While walking back to the couch he scoffs and says to her, "you should have seen how fast this kid got up to go open the door for you." He points to me. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Cus' damn, I've never seen him move faster in his entire life," He adds. He moves the blanket over that's by Ellie and sits next to her. I give him a look that says "shut the hell up" and sit down on the other end of the couch. Nick looks at me confused. Ellie snorts and leans back against the couch. "Don't worry Matt I'm not gonna disappear," She tells me Looking down at her phone.

She starts chewing on her lip, something she does when she's nervous. She lifts her head up and her eyes meet mine. She sees that I was already staring at her and looks away, A light redness creeping into her cheeks. I look down at my hands in my lap and try to hide the smile spreading across my face

Chris lets out a dramatic yawn, stretching out his legs and sliding down the couch. "So," he starts, "do you wanna film Friday's video with us tomorrow night?" He asks Ellie. She turns to look at him "oh yeah! I'd love to. I haven't done a video with you guys in a long time," She says.
"Ok awesome," Nick cuts in. "the fans have been asking for you too so this'll be fun." Chris and I nod in agreement. "Aww, how sweet." she smiles. "We were thinking of doing a Q&A with you, is that ok?" I ask her. "Oh, yeah, totally. I love those," She tells me.

We talk for a while about filming and other things, but the whole time I can't keep my eyes off of Ellie. Her hair looks pretty today, I mean- it always does but- and she smells different. I think she got a new perfume. I didn't tell her anything though. I didn't want to be weird. I still can't get over that moment we had earlier, I made her blush. What does that mean? It's probably nothing and I'm just overthinking it.

Chris and Nick know how I feel about her, and they've told me I just need to tell her but I'm afraid it'll ruin our friendship. God...I love this girl...and I don't know what to do about it.

Ellie's POV:
Matt is acting a bit odd today. I noticed him staring at me the whole time we were all talking at the house. And how flustered he was when he saw me at the door earlier. now him and I are in their car, driving to Taco Bell. Alone.

It's been pretty quiet between us since we left. I start to fidget with the avocado key chain on my bag. I see him glance at me through the corner of my eye. He clears his throat, then tells me, "you can put on some music if you want." I stop messing with my key chain and look at him. I bite my lip, thinking. "Even if it's Taylor Swift?" I ask. Eyes on the road, he slowly shakes his head and laughs softly. "Yes, even if it's Taylor Swift," He answers. I clap my hands excitedly and connect my phone to the aux cord. I press play on my playlist and it leaves off on were I had stopped it. "Invisible String" starts playing. This song makes me think of him, but I don't tell him that. Instead I quietly sing along.

Half way through the song he says, "your cover of this was really good." I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Oh, thanks, Matt." I smile at him, and he turns his head to smile at me too for a moment. He looks back to the road ahead of us, "you're welcome," he responds. He smiles to him self.

I kind of forgot that I had sang this song for my YouTube channel yesterday. I like to do song covers and random vlogs on my channel. I haven't been doing YouTube for as long as the triplets have, I've only been doing it for about 7 months.

Eventually we get to Taco Bell, order, then go back to their house. I stay there for a few more hours after we eat. By the time I arrive back at my house it's already 9:30 pm. I take a shower, and afterwards I talk on the phone with Jordan. I tell her about my day, and the Moments I had with Matt. She totally thinks that he's "in love with me." But I think she's just messing around. After I hang up with her I read a few chapters from my book, then I decide to go to bed. I drift off to sleep thinking about Matt.

Hey guys😭 I'm not even kidding when I say I spent all day writing this-
Lemme know your thoughts!!🤍

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