22. Fucking finally!

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Matt and I rush back into the car, completely soaked from the rain. Once we're inside Matt kisses me again.

I giggle when he pulls away. "Do you just wanna go back to your house?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Nick and Chris will be pretty stoked when they find out the news." He laughs.

"How long have they been waiting for this to happen?"

"For so long." He shakes his head.

Once we get back to the triplets house we find Nick and Chris sitting at the kitchen table. They stand up quickly when they see us.

"What happened? Did you tell her?" Nick says.

"Yeah" Matt says.

"What did you say?" Nick asks me.

I smile wide in response.

Chris jumps up and down cheering. Him and Nick hug each other. "Fucking finally!" Nick yells.

I laugh as they continue to celebrate.

Matt laughs, then turns to smile at me I smile back.

I shiver from my wet clothes.

"We should probably get changed and shower." Matt suggests.

"Yeah, you two are getting water all over the floor" Nick says. "Get your soggy asses out of here."

Chris Bursts out laughing at what Nick said. 

When I start to head upstairs to nicks room to go shower I realize I don't have any clothes to change into.

"Shit. Uhh, I don't have any clothes to wear." I tell them.

"You can wear some of mine." Matt tells me. 

"Oh, ok." I smile at him.

I follow him to his room where he pulls out a tee shirt and pair of sweatpants for me. He hands me the stack of clothes.

"Thanks, Matty." He kisses my forehead. "You're welcome, Els. I'll see you when you get out."

After I shower I walk out and see Nick laying on his bed watching tv. "Hey, Nick."
"Hey." He replies.

"I'm so glad you finally told each other how you feel."

I smile at him. "Me too."

I think back to when he told me he knew I loved Matt. "Wait- did you know how he felt the whole time?"

He nods with a goofy smile on his face.

I gasp. "You ass!"

He laughs at me.

"Alright I'm gonna go to Matt's room. Goodnight Nick, love you."

Nick yawns. "Goodnight, Ellie. Love you too."

While walking down stairs I start to head down to Chris's room. "Goodnight Chris! Love you." I say from outside the door.
"Love you too! Goodnight." I hear him say from his room.

After that I make my way to Matt's room.

"Hey, there you are." Matt says when he sees me.

"Hey." I crawl onto the bed and into his arms. He raps his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest. I can feel him looking at me and I look up to meet his eyes.

"Hi," I smile at him. "Hi." He smiles back. "You're so cute." I cover my face as my cheeks get hot. "Stop it." He laughs then lays his head on top of mine.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks.
"Um, yes!" I say. He gets up
To grab the tv remote on his dresser and comes back to the bed. We go back to laying how we were.

"What do you wanna watch?"
I think for a moment about what movie I want him to put on. "Scream?"
He smiles. "Ok, cool."

We're half way through the movie when I start to nod off. I think Matt notices because he tries to turn off the movie. "Hey, no I'm watching that." I say sleepily.
"Els, you're falling asleep. It's ok, we can finish it tomorrow."

I sigh. "Ok." He turns off the tv and gets up to put the remote away. I lay down on my side and cover my self with the blankets. I can feel the bed shift as Matt lies down next to me. He pulls me closer to him and wraps his arm around me. I smile And turn over to kiss him.

"I love you," I whisper to him.
"I love you too, Goodnight." He whispers back.

Author's note

Hey everyone! So sorry I haven't updated this fic in a while I've been working on my other one 'Sad Beautiful Tragic' anyways I hope you enjoy this chap and go check out my other fic if you want!

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