3.Life is so unfair

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Im sitting on a bench at a park, a book open in my lap. I'm turning to the next page of the book when suddenly I feel someone's arms wrap around my shoulders from behind, Matt. "Hey, you," he says, as he nuzzles his face into the side of my neck. I giggle, and close the book. "Hey, you, back," I reply. He lifts up his head and I lean mine back to see him. He smiles at me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He stands up straight, and walks around to the front of the bench to sit down. My eyes follow him as he does so. He looks down at the book in my hands, then back up at me.

"What're you reading?" He asks. I put the book down next to me and turn my whole body towards him, lifting my legs up on the bench. "Nothing important now that you're here," I tell him. I take his hand in mine and rub the back of it with my thumb. He lets out a breathy laugh, and lifts his other hand to caress my cheek. "I love you, Ellie," He says. He's looking at me like I'm the most precious thing in this world. I stare into his eyes, an endless ocean I could get lost in. "I love you too, Matt." He leans in to kiss me, but before his lips can meet mine everything goes black.........
My eyes snap open. I look around. I'm not at the park, and I'm not with Matt. I'm in my bed under my many layers of blankets. The sun is shining through the curtain of my window, hitting me in the face. I groan. I throw the covers off of myself and just lay there, staring at the ceiling. I'm upset about my dream, how come it had to end before he kissed me? Life is so unfair.

I stay there for a few minutes longer, then get up out of bed. I open the drawer to my nightstand and grab my phone to check the time. 9:37, I read on the screen. Hmm, not that late. I text Jordan good morning, and ask her how she's doing. She tells me she's doing great, that she's at work and she'll text me when she's not busy. I scroll through my contacts and tap on my group chat with the triplets.
Nicky, Matty B🤍 & Crispy

Heyyyy, good morning!

Nicky: morningg

Crispy: Heyy gm
What are yall up to?

Crispy: nothing really. Me and Nick are in his room. We're waiting for Matt to wake up

Nicky: yeah he's still crashed out.

Aw damn lol
What time do I need to be over
there later to film?

Nicky: oh we can just pick you up, but how does 8:00 sound?
    Oh ok cool!
Yeah that's perfect
just lemme know when yall are on the way
Wait...will Matt be ok
with picking me up?

Crispy: yeah he won't mind.

Matty B🤍: what won't who mind??

Good morning Matt😌
Nicky: HAHA
Nicky: we're picking up Ellie tonight.

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