23.Because he really knows me

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Today is my 21st birthday. I feel old as fuck. I'm really not-but it just feels that way.

I'm met with the scent of food being made as I walk into the kitchen. I smile at my best friend who is making breakfast while singing along to "Evangeline" by Stephen Sanchez.

"Good morning," I tell her through a yawn.

She shrieks and wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST FRIEND!"

I struggle to breathe as I hug her back. Once she lets go of me I exhale and let out a laugh.

"Thank you." I smile.

She goes back to the counter where my waffle maker is plugged in. "I'm making your favorite breakfast," she says happily.

I'm the one that hugs her this time. "You're the best," I tell her.

Jordan moved to LA last month and now she's staying with me. Living with my best friend has been so much fun. I'm so glad she decided to move in with me.

While we're eating the delicious breakfast Jordan has made she pulls out her phone and says, "I'm gonna FaceTime Nick."

Oh shit- my phone is in my room still. I totally forgot that I should have probably checked my phone when I woke up. I'm sure all my friends and family have messaged me or tried to call to tell me happy birthday.

After a few rings Nick finally answers and I hear his voice through the phone, "hey, Jordan. What's up?" She smiles and then shows the phone to me.

Nick smiles immediately when he sees me. "Hey, Ellie! Happy birthday! I texted you earlier."

"Thanks, Nick! I'm sorry I haven't checked my phone yet."

"Nah, that's ok. Here I'm gonna go downstairs so you can see Chris and Matt." On the phone screen I see Nick walking out of his room and downstairs.

He shows the phone to Chris. "Hey! happy birthday!" he tells me through the phone.

I smile. "Thank you, Chris!"

"Is that Ellie on the phone?" I hear Matt's voice in the background. "Yeah." Nick brings the phone to Matt.

I grab the phone from Jordan as soon as Matt's on the screen. His hair is messy and it looks like he just woke up.

Jordan looks at me like I'm a crazy person and silently laughs.

"Happy birthday, beautiful,"  he tells me.

I smile so wide my cheeks hurt. "Thank you, Matty."

Me and Jordan talk to the triplets for a little while longer before Nick hangs up. After breakfast I go to my room and reply to all the messages on my phone.

Matt is taking me out to dinner tonight, I can't wait. Jordan went absolutely crazy when I told her about Matt and I. She's so happy for us. She even made up a ship name for us. Mellie, it's cringey but cute.

I definitely have gotten a lot of hate from the triplets fan base but I try not to let it bother me. After all, their opinions don't matter anyways. They don't know me or Matt personally.

                                 Time skip

"So, what are you gonna wear?" Jordan asks me as I skim through the clothes in my closet. Deciding on what to wear is so hard, Especially when you're going out with your boyfriend.

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