20.Its Fearless!

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                      One year later......

The triplets hit 7 million subscribers yesterday, which is absolutely amazing. I am so proud of them. We're all going out to eat this evening to celebrate.

A lot has happened since last year.
Jordan and Chris got together back in August, and they are so happy. They are the cutest couple ever.

Me and Jordan got to go to a Stephen Sanchez concert together. We even managed to bring the triplets along with us. The experience was so awesome, we cried our eyes out the whole show.

The triplets and I went to Boston to spend Christmas with our families. It felt so nice to be home again. Every time I go back there so many memories flood my head.
It's crazy to think that just 4 years ago we were all just kids making videos for YouTube, in hopes of people watching them.

And as for me and Matt? Honestly, I don't know. I haven't stopped thinking about that moment between us at the beach last summer. I know it's been a year since that happened, but ever since then things have been a bit weird between us.

I'm wearing the black dress that Madi got me for Christmas today. This is only my second time wearing it. It's such a pretty and comfortable dress.

"Hey!" Nick hugs me the moment I get into the car

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"Hey!" Nick hugs me the moment I get into the car. "Hi Nick!" I hug him back.
I say hi to Chris and Matt in the front seat and congratulate them on 7 Mil.

"You look beautiful," Matt says to me.
I look at him stunned. I don't think he's ever said that to me.
"Oh- uh- thanks Matty." I feel his eyes on me after I look away, then the car starts to move.

I'm not sure how to react as I stare out the car window. If I was alone I'd be screaming my head off right now. That caught me so off guard.

Matt's POV:

Today is the day. I'm finally gonna tell Ellie how I feel, no more hiding. I know I chickened out the last few times I tried but this is different. I'm going through with it.

I'm planning on telling her when I drop her off at her house later after dinner.

Im not gonna lie when I say I am absolutely terrified, Because I have no idea what will happen.

"Chris get your hands off the breadsticks, you've had almost all of them." I smack his hand away from the basket. "I'm sorry they're just really good."
Ellie laughs, reaching for one. "I don't blame you, they really are."

"Oo I think that's the waitress with our food." Nick looks in the direction of the lady walking towards us with trays in her hands.

"Alright here are your plates, sorry for the wait," she says as she sets the plates of food in front of us. "Oh no problem. Thank you so much." Nick smiles at her.
She smiles at us and says, "enjoy your meal." We thank her and begin to eat.

"Oh shit it's raining," Ellie says looking outside the restaurant.
"What the fuck?." Nick looks outside too. "It was literally normal outside when we got here."  Chris sighs. "Well that's just great."

I shrug off my jacket and put it over Ellie's shoulders. She looks at the jacket then to me. "You didn't bring a jacket so you can use mine."
  "Thanks." She smiles. "Sorry, I should have brought one." 
"It's ok. you're fine," I tell her.

On the drive back to our house the rain became heavier.

Nick and Chris unbuckle themselves as they both say, "alright, bye guys." Ellie looks at them confused. "Wait, what's going on?"

"Matt's gonna take you home," Chris says. "Yeah." Nick begins to open the back door. 

"Oh, Ok. See you later then." Ellie sits back normally.

Chris gives me a wide smile and a thumbs up before he and Nick leave the car. 
No backing out now.

"Is it ok if I put on my music?" Ellie asks me. "Yeah of course. Go ahead." I start driving.

On the drive to her house we have a bit of conversation here and there. Taylor swift playing quietly in the background.

Ellie's music taste has definitely grown on me. I find myself listening to all her favorite artists very often. Mostly because they remind me of her.

Eventually I make the turn onto her street and pull into her drive way.

I stare out at the rain still pouring down.
I guess now's my chance before she leaves. 
My heart rate picks up. "Um, Ellie, I-"
She gasps, cutting me off. It makes me jump. "What?" She turns up the volume of the music. The beginning of Fearless by Taylor Swift is playing through the speakers. She looks at me with a big smile and wide eyes. I give her a confused look.

"How willing are you to dance in the rain?" She says.  "Uhh-" I laugh. "I mean, sure?"  She turns up the volume and immediately gets out of the car, leaving me with blaring music inside.

She shrieks once the rain hits her and laughs. I laugh at her as I get out of the car. She pulls me by my arm towards her.
"This is crazy!" The rain has already started to soak my clothes.  She giggles.
"It's Fearless!" 

We dance together in her front yard as the chorus of the song plays.

And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless
And I don't know why but with you, I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress, fearless

She trips over my foot and I catch her before she falls. We both laugh, out of breath.  She pushes the wet hair off of my forehead.

I've become lost in her eyes. How could I ever look away now.

It's now or never. My hands shake as I take her hands in mine. Who would have thought just three little words could be so hard to tell someone.

I take a deep breath and finally say what I've been holding in for years.

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