9.Im losing my marbles

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I have been an absolute mess ever since my last hangout with Nick. I really wasn't expecting him to know about my feelings for Matt. It makes sense though, he's been my best friend forever. Of course he's gonna know when something is up with me. He said I need to talk to Matt but I just can't bring myself to do it. And plus I've been so busy lately with Madi's party. I'm stressing a lot and I'm very overwhelmed.

It's my own fault, I don't like for people to help me with things like this because I like to do everything my own way. I should really stop doing that.

On the bright side, the party is this weekend so I should relax by then since everything will be done and over with.

Ugh, I need to FaceTime Jordan. She's the one I always call when I'm stressed, besides Matt. I've been best friends with her for 3 years now. Not as long as I've known the triplets but she still feels like a sister to me. I don't know what I would do without her.

I sit down at my desk and press the FaceTime button on Jordan's contact. After three rings she answers. Seeing Her face on the screen sends an instant wave of calm through my body. "Hey girl! What's up?"

"I'm losing my marbles, actually I've lost all my marbles." She frowns. "Oh no, what happened? Tell me everything." I sigh and clear my throat. "I'm just overwhelmed with the party planning, I don't know why I never ask for help. I need to stop acting like I can handle it on my own. also, Nick knows that I'm in love with Matt and he says I need to talk to him about it but the thought makes me wanna throw up."

"Ok first, you seriously need to stop that. all you're doing is stressing yourself out, it's not good." She stares at me with a concerned face. "I know, I know."

There's a few seconds of silence before she starts yelling through the phone "AND OH MY GOD GIRL I SWEAR IF YOU DONT GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND TELL THAT MAN HOW YOU FEEL I WILL GO THERE AND FORCE YOU TO TELL HIM
MYSELF." I can't help it I burst out laughing. "Im being so for real right now Ellie don't you dare laugh." Her voice breaks from trying not to laugh. My laughter settles a bit "jeez I needed that laugh."

"Well I'm glad I made you laugh but I'm not kidding you better tell him soon." She brings her face close to the camera. "I'll try." I smile. "No. I need an ok." I roll my eyes. "Ok." She smiles. "I miss you so much, dude." I pout. "I know I miss you too. You should come visit for the summer." She looks off somewhere else on the other side of the screen. "I might be able to."

We don't say anything for a while and I'm just left to my thoughts. I think I'll do another song cover for my YouTube. Something to distract me from my problems.

"Hey I'm gonna go now I want to do a song cover for my channel." I get up from my desk still holding the phone. "Ooo, ok I can't wait to watch it then." We smile at each other through the screen. "Ok bye, I love you." "Love you too, bye." She blows me a kiss then hangs up.

I set up my camera on top of my piano in the living room. I've decided to sing "You Are In Love" by Taylor Swift since it's one of the few I know how to play on the piano. I hit record on my camera And let my fingers dance along the keys as I play the intro to the song.

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