19. Im so glad you're my best friend

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"I don't want to leave tomorrow." Jordan says as she applies sunscreen to her arms. "I don't want you to leave either. It's been so fun." I frown.

We've had the best 2 weeks together. It has been so much fun, and I'm sad that it's going to end. I know I'll see her again soon, hopefully. But it just hurts to be apart from her for so long.

Her, me and the triplets are at the beach. Jordan requested that she see the ocean one more time before she leaves.

I stare out at the shore where Chris and Matt are tackling each other into the water. I laugh as I watch them.
Nick is sitting next to us taking pictures with his film camera.

"Hey let me get a picture of you two." Nick points his camera at us. I brush the sand off of my arms and lean into Jordan, who lays her head on mine. We both smile.

Nick smiles as he takes the picture. "Perfect, you guys look great."
I flip my hair over my shoulder.
"Of course we do." Jordan laughs at my comment.

"They're a bunch of goofs." Jordan giggles. "Come on, I wanna go get in the water." She gets up. "Alright." I stand up and walk with her.

I've always had a bit of a fear of the ocean, it's not severe, but I'd prefer not to let the water go past my knees.

I decide to take a risk and get fully into the water.

"Hey, you're actually in the water." Matt swims towards me. "I'm about to shit myself, but yeah." I'm kind of regretting my decision now. This is really scary.

He laughs, then grabs hold of my arm. "Don't worry, you'll be ok. I'll stay by you."
His words make me feel safe instantly. I smile at him appreciatively.

Jordan and Chris are a few feet away from us laughing together. It makes me happy to see them like that. They have really clicked these past 2 weeks, and I think they'd be such a cute couple if they decided to be together.

"Chris really likes her." Matt watches as they talk about something we can't fully hear. I smile. "Yeah, I can tell. Jordan likes him too."

When I turn my attention back to him, he's already looking at me. His expression is soft as he smiles at me, eyes filled with admiration.
My heart rate picks up. I stare into his eyes.

All I want is to call him mine, The boy I've spent the past few years of my life loving with my entire soul.



"I-" he starts. He breaks his eyes away from mine as he glances towards Jordan and Chris. He looks back to me nervously.

I wait for him to continue what he was saying. "I'm so glad you're my best friend," he finishes.

"Me too." I give a slight smile.

His eyes are saying more than what he's telling me. He's holding himself back from what he really wants to say.

And for whatever reason that may be terrifies me.

Because it is then that I know, there is a possibility that he loves me the same way I love him.....

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