4."Els" thats new-

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Im sitting in the back seat with Nick, we're watching TikTok on his phone. Lil Skies is playing in the car, Chris's pick. We're on the way to a gas station first to buy some snacks before we film. Oh shit the camera.

"Nick please tell me you charged the camera?" I ask him. He puts his phone down and nods "yup, fully charged." I let out a sigh of relief. "Ok good," I say. We go back to watching his phone. Chris starts singing along to the music and dances around in his seat. I laugh at him and Matt tells him to chill the fuck out. A while later we pull into the gas station.

Matt asks, "alright who's getting down?" He looks between Chris, Nick, and I. "I will," Chris tells him, unbuckling his seatbelt. "I'll go with you!" I say to Chris. By the time I unbuckle my seat belt and leave out of the car Chris is already half way inside the store. I run after him. "WAIT FOR ME I GOT LITTLE LEGS," I yell. he turns around and laughs at me, but he waits until I'm next to him to walk in.

When we're inside I follow him as he goes to the drinks section and grabs a Pepsi for himself. Nick and Matt didn't want anything to drink, because they brought waters from their house.

He turns to me, "hey do you want anything to drink?" He asks. I look at all the drink choices in the refrigerators deciding what I want. "Can you get me a root beer please?" He looks to see where it is. "Yeah sure," he says. He gets it out and hands it to me. I take it from him.

We go through the candy section and I snatch the last bag of Sour Patch Kids. Chris gets a pack of Twizzlers. When he sees the candy in my hand he laughs. "Remember when you ate a whole family sized bag of those?" He says.

I gasp. I do remember. It was a few years ago. I ate the whole thing and ended up staying up all night. Probably from all the sugar I had consumed. "Oh. My. God." I whisper. "We don't talk about that." I look around like someone is watching us. He sees my expression and laughs even more "I had walked in and saw you up still, at 6 in the morning! Playing Roblox." He shakes his head. "Who even plays Roblox anyways?" He says, in a judgmental tone. "Shut up, I do." I smack his arm, playfully. "Ouch," he says through a laugh.

Before we go to check out, I grab a bag of hot Cheetos. Chris scrunches up his face at me. I give him a dirty look back. "I swear you're gonna die if you eat another bag of those," he tells me. "YOLO," I say. He smacks a hand to his forehead. "Bro, I'm serious. The addiction is real." I look at him surprised. "Chris you can't say shit! You drink like 6 Pepsis a day!" I tell him. "Actually, I cut down to 4," He says proudly, with a smirk on his face. I roll my Eyes, then reach my hand out to ruffle his hair. He shoos my hand away, and laughs. We check out, then leave.

As soon as we step out side I stop walking and grab his arm so he stops too. He looks at me confused. "Race you to the car? Who ever gets there first sits in the front seat," I say, challengingly. "Alright, bet," he says. We both get ready to run. "Ok. 1,2,3, go!" I yell. We take off running towards the car. Chris beats me. "You rat!" I cross my arms and glare at him. He does a weird victory dance, and smiles "Sorry loser," he says.

Before we can get in the car Matt steps out from the drivers side and walks around to where we're at. I look at him, not sure what he's doing. "Hey Els, can I take a picture of you for tomorrow's photo dump?" He asks me with a shy smile on his face.

"Els" that's new- he's never called me that before. My stomach flutters from the new nickname. I give a slight nod. "yeah of course." I smile at him. I Barely noticed that he's wearing Chris's blue Fresh Love hoodie. I love when he wears it. He looks so cute

Matt's POV:
I lied, I really just wanted an excuse to take a picture of her. It's still gonna be in the photo dump though. Chris gets back into the car as Ellie and I stand there outside. I look towards the front of the gas station store. "We can take it over there if you want," I tell her. "Ok," she says.

We walk over to the brick wall outside of the store, she accidentally bumps into me on the way. "Oh, sorry," I say. I put my hand on her back, As if to stop her from falling. She goes stiff. She looks up at me and laughs awkwardly. "It's ok, I'm the one who bumped into you," she says. I don't know why I said sorry. Idiot.

"Ok go in front of the wall," I tell her, as I pull out my phone. She walks over in front of the wall and crouches down. She fixes her hair, and looks up at me. "Ok I'm ready." She smiles. I smile back at her and lift my phone In front of her. I take a few pictures. "Ok done," I say. I'm looking through the photos I took of her on my phone. I think of making one my Lock Screen, but someone might see it. She gets up and walks over to me "oh gosh, I hope I don't look weird in any of those," She says nervously. "No. You look perfect," I wanna tell her. Instead, I just say, "no, you look fine."

we stand there for a moment in silence. Just looking at each other, smiling. Her eyes are the most beautiful shade of brown I've ever seen. I swallow hard, and rub the back of my neck. I think of saying something, but before I can Nick rolls down the window in the back seat and shouts, "Get your asses in here! We don't have all night!" We turn to Nick then we both look back at each other and laugh, as we walk back to the car.

Ellie's POV:

Thank you Nicolas for ruining a possible moment between Matt and I. I'm not sure what was happening, but we were just staring at each other. My stomach was going crazy the entire time, and my heart felt like it was about to hammer out of my chest. What if there is something between us? Maybe he does feel the same way?
I push away those thoughts and get into the back seat with Nick.

Chris has a fake sad expression on his face, "guys, Ellie hit me and called me a rat." He pouts, as he buckles his seat belt. Matt shakes his head at him, trying not to laugh. "You probably deserved it," he says. He starts driving again. "Yeah because you are a rat sometimes, Chris," Nick mumbles next to me, not looking up from his phone. Chris looks at all of us with a shocked look on his face. "You guys are bullying me," He says. I try to hold back my laughter, covering my mouth with my hand. Chris hears me and looks my way with a serious look on his face. He starts laughing too, and then we're all laughing.

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