5.Oh god, here comes the Swifties

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We pull into an empty parking lot, unbuckle our seat belts, and turn on the lights inside the car. Nick takes out the camera from his bag and turns it on. He hands it to Matt to set up in the front of the car. "Alright, Matt make sure that we're all in the frame," Nick says. He watches him as he fixes the camera. Matt adjusts it a bit more then hits record, and sits back in his seat. I scoot up in my seat and open my bag of hot Cheetos. Matt is looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Ok everyone welcome back to another Friday video. we have our best friend Ellie with us and we're gonna be doing another Q&A with her," Nick says. I smile and wave to the camera. Chris takes out his phone and says, "we all saved some questions from you guys to take turns asking her."

"Ok, cool." I say. I put a Cheeto in my mouth. "I hope no one asked anything weird." I shake my head. Matt shifts in his seat to look at me. "There was some that did, but we skipped those," he says. He slightly smiles at me. I nod at him and put my head down, trying to hide the giddy smile on my face. Matt's hair is sticking up in random places. It's messy and cute. I love when it's like that.

Nick is the first one to ask me questions, then Chris. some of them are hilarious and make us all laugh. now it's Matt's turn.

He holds up his phone in front of him. "Ok-" he pauses, scrolling through the questions on the screen. "I found some Taylor related questions for you." I squeal excitedly. I pat his shoulder, leaving my hand there for a bit after. "you're the best!" I say. He looks down at my hand, and puts his own hand over mine. He looks back up at me and smiles.

It's moments like these where I feel like I could confess to him that I love him, more than a friend. But The possibilities of what could happen if I did scare me, which is why I still haven't told him anything. It could make things awkward between us, or he might feel the same way. I think I'm gonna go with the more realistic option: it being awkward between us.

He lifts his hand off of mine, and I remove my hand from his shoulder. Turning back to his phone, he starts to read one of the questions. "What's your favorite Taylor Swift song?" He says.

Damn. This is a tough one. Chris sighs, smacking a hand to his leg. "Oh god, we're gonna be here all night with this one," he says and laughs. Nick laughs but he shushes him and says, "Chris let her answer." Chris puts his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright." He says. I side eye him but I can't contain my laughter.

I know this is gonna take a while, because my favorite Taylor song changes so often. "Ok, um," I say. I look up at the roof of the car as I think. Nick, Matt, and Chris are looking at me, Waiting for me to answer. "Well, I have been listening to You're Losing Me a lot-" I say. "And False God..."

"girl just look at your On Repeat." Nick cuts me off, handing me my phone. I sigh. "Ok let me see," I say. I take the phone from him and look at my On Repeat on Spotify. "Oh! Ok my top song is I Think He Knows." I smile proudly. Matt and Nick laugh. "I don't think I've heard that song," Chris says. "It's one of the best songs on the Lover Album," I say. I make a heart with my hands. Matt smiles at me. "It's pretty good," he says. My jaw drops.

Has he been listening to Taylor's music? I don't recall playing that one around him. "What?! Matt have you been listening to Taylor when I'm not around?" I ask him. He looks down as he says, "maybe." and smirks.

"Damn bro, you've been swiftified." Chris tells him. I cover my mouth in shock. He really has been listening to her. Nick shakes his head in disappointment. "Oh god here comes the swifties," he says. Matt laughs. "Guys calm down I have not been 'swiftified' or whatever the fuck." I smirk and raise my eyebrows at him. "Mhm'" I say, not believing him. Matt covers his face with his hands and laughs. Me, Nick and Chris laugh too.

The next two questions are: have you been to the Eras Tour? And: when did you become a Swiftie? I have been to the Eras Tour, it was amazing! I went with Jordan. I had bought the tickets for us and she absolutely freaked. It was such a fun experience. we cried almost the whole time, And ended up losing our voices by the end of the show.

For the next question, I became a fan of Taylor in April last year. I haven't been a fan that long, but I do love her music very much.

After that, it's back to Nick to read some more of the questions. "I have one more question right here, then we're done." He says to me while tapping at his phone. Chris takes a drink of his Pepsi and then lets out a monstrous burp. Not in Matt's face this time, thankfully. " holy shit dude that was disgusting," I say.

"Hey, at least it wasn't on Matt," he tells me. "Yeah but it's still gross," Matt says. He rolls his eyes. He grabs the pack of twizzlers from Chris and pulls one of them out to eat. Nick looks at them, annoyed. "Ok anyways," he says. "Do you have a favorite character from a book?" An evil grin forms on my face. "Aaron Warner," I say through a giggle. Chris turns my way. "Who the fuck is Aaron Warner?" He asks, confused. Nick is about to tell him but I speak before he does. "he's from the Shatter Me series, love." I smile at Chris. He furrows his eyebrows at me, then turns to Matt. "bro 'love' is crazy."
Matt blinks at him, saying nothing. then he starts hysterically laughing. The rest of us laugh too, but I think Matt is laughing the hardest.

Once we've all calmed down and caught our breath matt sighs and says, "oh man, that was funny." We all agree with him. "Alright I think that's enough for tonight," Nick says. He scratches his head and yawns.

I sit up I'm my seat. "Ok everyone that's it for the video I hope you liked it," I say. Matt picks up the camera, bringing it close to his face. I tap his shoulder. He points the camera at me. "SUBSCRIBEEE," I yell. Nick and Chris start laughing again. Matt isn't laughing. He's side eyeing the camera, terrified. I smile and hold up the peace sign. He laughs at me this time and screams into the camera. This is definitely gonna be a good video.

Nick packs up the camera as Matt starts to drive out of the parking lot. I forgot I had bought sour patch kids, so I share them with Nick on the drive back to their house.

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