16.Look behind you, idiot

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Nicky, Matty B🤍 & Crispy

Matty B🤍: hey Els, can you come over around 2 today?

Yeah sure. why tho?

Matty B🤍: no reason🤭



Nicky: LMAO wtf


Crispy: it kind of is 💀

Ok but what are you plotting exactly?

Matty B🤍: we can't tell you

WE? So you're all in on
Whatever is going on here?😨

Nicky: hehe-

Nicolas Antonio Sturniolo-

Crispy: oh shit she used ur full name💀

Nicky: gurl- get outta here

Matty B🤍: just come over later no more questions

I'm scared now what if
Y'all are gonna murder me

Crispy: YOOOOO

Matty B🤍: Ellie stop-

Ok fine but this is so odd

Nicky: shhhhhhhhhhhhh


If I go missing, you know where to find me.

I'm so confused. what is happening?
Also, Matt used that nickname again. Oh my gosh, I just got flash backs from a few months ago, "hey Els, can I take a picture of you for tomorrow's photo dump?" I remember him saying. I think I might just melt.

I was wondering when he would call me that again or if it was just a one time thing. Guess it wasn't.

It's currently almost 12:00 pm, so I still have some time before I have to leave.

I need to write in my journal. I actually have a lot I want to write down. I really suck at journaling, sometimes I won't even write for months at a time. I'm definitely more of a reader than a writer.

I've wrote 3 full pages about random nonsense, my mental health, and mostly gushing over Matt. My hand hurts once I've finished. I flex my hand and gently rub my wrist. After I've given my hand a moment to rest, I close my journal and put my pen away.

Now I've only got about an hour until I have to go to the triplets house, I think I'll read to pass the time.

I just started one of the books I got at Barnes and Noble with Matt. It's called: Better Than The Movies. Im only a few chapters in, but I love it, It's so cute.

Matt's POV:

We're outside the airport waiting for Jordan. There's tons of cars and people around waiting to get picked up. We shouldn't have to wait much longer, she should be coming out soon.

Just a minute later I see her walking out.
"Look, there she is," I say before I get out of the car. Nick and Chris do the same after me.

Once she sees us she smiles and waves excitedly. It's pretty strange seeing her in person, I've only seen her through pictures or on FaceTime through Ellie's phone.

"Hi guys!" She hugs me, then Chris and Nick. "Hey it's so nice to finally meet you." I smile. Chris's face flushed when he made eye contact with her, and he quickly looked away. "Nice to meet you," he says with an awkward smile.  Uh oh- I sense a crush forming. Don't remember the last time that happened.

"Oh my god, I love your earrings," nick tells her. "Oh, thank you!" She caresses one of the silver snake earrings she's wearing. "And it's nice to meet you, too, sorry." He laughs. 

She squeals. "I'm so excited! When do I get to see Ellie?" She looks to me for a response. I check the time in my phone. "Umm, once we get back to the house she should be there not too long after."
"Oh, ok. Cool."

"Here, I can put your stuff in the back," Chris says. He takes her suitcase and duffel bag. "Thanks Chris," she tells him. He sets everything in the trunk and shuts the door. "No problem."

Before we get in the car I hear Chris say to Nick, "can you sit in the front?"
"Huh?" Chris lets out a breath, frustrated. "Sit in the front." Nick gives him a confused look. "Why?"
"Just do it." Chris lightly shoves him, then takes Nick's  spot before he can say anything else. "Ok then?" Nick's eyes move from Chris to me, then to Jordan who wasn't paying attention to what just happened, because she's on her phone.  He looks back to me with sudden realization.
"Wait I think I see what's going on here."
"Mhm." I laugh softly.

During the drive home I don't think Chris shut up once. He was yapping Jordans ears off the whole way. she didn't seem to mind though, she was interested in everything he was saying, and seemed really happy. The only thing that sucks, is that he didn't give us a chance to talk to her. It's no big deal honestly, because she's gonna be here for 2 weeks.

We're all in the living room when Ellie texts me that she's here. I tell her ok and that the door is unlocked.  "Jordan she's here." She gasps and stands up. As soon as  we hear the door open she crouches down by the stair railing. "Act normal" she mouths to us. We all nod but Chris is struggling to keep his expression calm.

"Why the fuck is it so quiet in here?" Ellie says as she reaches the top of the stairs. She looks at us suspiciously, and somehow manages to walk past Jordan.
"Are yall good?" She asks. "Ellie look behind you, idiot," Nick tells her. She does, and once she sees Jordan she screams.

They throw themselves into each other's arms almost losing their balance. "Hi," Jordan cries. "Holy shit!" Ellie's voice is shaky. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ellie says, pulling away from her.  "They paid for my flight." Jordan looks to us. Ellie covers her mouth with her hands. "Oh my god I'm gonna cry even more now," She says. Jordan lets out a laugh, and wipes away the tears on her face. 

"Well it was Matt's idea in the first place, so he should get all the credit," Chris says. 
"Matt, really?" She looks at me, on the verge of breaking down. I get up
To go hug her. "I know you haven't seen each other in a long time." She wraps her arms around me. "Thank you so much."
"Of course." I hold her tighter.

This is exactly why I did this, To make her happy. I'd do anything for her. she deserves the world.

"Ok now come here I'm not done hugging you yet," Jordan tells her. She lets go of me and laughs. They hug again. I smile as I watch them.

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