15.Who let him out of the pysch ward?

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Matt's POV:

"Chris turn the fucking Music down!" I glare at him from across the room. He smiles at me and turns it up louder. This kid, I swear-

I throw my phone onto the table and sit up from my chair. The action was fast and caused the chair to screech loudly across the floor.

Just when I'm a few steps away from Chris, Nick walks down the stairs. "Matt sit your ass down now, and Chris turn the damn music down before he fucking murders you"

"Ugh, fine" Chris sighs.
I sit back down in my chair and take a deep breath. "Both of you need to chill out," nick grabs a sparkling water from the fridge and sits down in the chair next to me. "Well I was fine until this dumb fuck started blasting music in my face." I aim my hand towards Chris who flips me off. I return the gesture. "Fuck you!"
"Fuck you!" He yells back.

"Shut the hell up! Both of you! God, you're gonna give me a damn headache." Nick rubs a hand across his forehead. I roll my eyes and fold my arms across my chest. Chris scrunches up his face, sticking his tongue out at me before he sits down on the couch. I lean over towards Nick to whisper, "who let him out of the psych ward?"  He chokes on a laugh.

I've been planning since last month to bring Jordan (Ellie's best friend) to visit her for a week or two. Jordan is totally on board with it and super excited. We offered to pay for her flight here and back home, and after about five tries she finally agreed.

Ellie knows nothing about any of this so it's gonna be a total surprise to her. I can't wait to see her reaction when she comes over and see Jordan here on Saturday. She's gonna be so happy, It's very rare that they get to see each other.

My phone buzzes on the table. I pick it up to see what the notification was.



I think I've packed my whole closet-


ughhh I'm so excited I can't wait to see Ellie...and you guys too obviously

    Hahaha so are we it's gonna be fun

Oh and tell Nick to get me a pack of Space Camp lip balms ready😤

Yes ma'am 👍🏻

"Bro I'm so hungry, I'm gonna die," Chris whines. "Can we go get food?" I raise my eyebrow at him. "Im not taking you anywhere dude." Nick gives me a "seriously?" Look. "I'll ask Ellie then. she won't say no." Chris smiles.

I'm actually really hungry too but I do not want to deal with Chris the whole ride.

Ellie's POV:


Ellieeeeee can you take me to go get food?
Matt's being an ass and doesn't want to take me

Uh oh what'd you do this time?


I'll be there in a little bit🤣

Thank youuuu

Chris must have pissed Matt off because he only asks me to take him somewhere when he does. Typical Chris. I wonder what happened this time, probably something stupid I'm sure.

I dont mind driving him anywhere, really. And I'm actually glad he asked me to right now because I'm hella bored.

Once I get to the triplets house I text Chris that I'm here. Not even a minute later he's already outside and walking to my car. "Hey," he says as he sits down in the passenger seat. "Heyo," I reply.

As I start to drive off Chris asks, "can I put my music on?"
"Chris, I love you, but I will quite literally crash if you do." He side eyes me. "You're lame."
"Lame for not wanting to crash?" I laugh.

"Can I at least put on a decent song from your playlist?" He reaches for my phone in the cup holder. I open my mouth in shock. "A 'decent' song, Christopher? How dare you."

"I'm kidding...Not really though," he says with a laugh. My lip quivers from holding back my smile. "Damn you."

A while later Chris puts on "Ready For It" by Taylor Swift. "This song is pretty good." He puts my phone down. What he doesn't know, is that I know every lyric to this song and that I'll sing my heart out to it until it's over. "Well now you'll have to listen to me aggressively sing it for the next three minutes and twenty-eight seconds."
"Oh god." He shakes his head.

The song ends once we pull into the drive through of Chick Fil A. I roll down my window to order.

Mid way through ordering I can hear Chris whispering next to me "get me a large Pepsi." As if I didn't already know that. I continue to order and Chris is still yapping at me for shit. It's so frustrating trying to concentrate on what I'm ordering and what Chris is telling me to order at the same time.

After I finish ordering I roll up the window and slowly turn my head towards Chris. "I'm gonna beat you with that large Pepsi."

"No need to get aggressive," he says with a smug grin on his face. I give him a death stare. His eyes go wide. "Ok, ok, I surrender. Please don't hurt me."
I laugh as I drive up to the next window.

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