14.Be More...

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I am the happiest girl alive right now, I bought seven books and two vinyls, one of those being a Stephen Sanchez vinyl. I was so excited when Matt showed it to me, I even kissed him on the cheek. I walked away right after so he wouldn't see how red my face might have been.

After Barnes and Noble, we went to the mall and shopped around for a bit. Both of us bought some clothes and I bought a body mist from Bath And Body Works.

We just ate at In-N-Out and now we're back in the car. "So where do you wanna go now?" Matt asks. I take a sip of my chocolate milkshake and say, "my house? I desperately need to listen to that Stephen Sanchez record." He smiles as he starts the car. "Yeah me too, actually."

"Holy shit! you have a lot of records." Matt scans through the collection on my shelf. "Woah you even have The Weeknd in here." He pulls out the Starboy album and looks at it. I laugh. "Yeah. I love vinyls so much."

He turns around and smiles at me. "Books, vinyls, and weird socks are your top three. Oh, and anything with an avocado on it." I walk over to my shelf to place Evermore where it belongs with my other Taylor Swift records. "Avocados are amazing, though." I smile. He laughs and watches as I place the Angel Face record  onto the turn table of my record player.

Moments later Stephen's heavenly voice fills the room as he sings the first track of the album: Something About Her.  I sigh dreamily and throw myself onto my bed. "I need to see this man live." I say. Matt lays down next to me. "Yeah, definitely." He stares up at the ceiling.

We lay there on my bed listening to the music, Singing along quietly during certain parts.

Be More starts to play. I let out a breathy laugh and turn my head to look at him. "You know, ever since I heard this song, I've always wanted to dance with someone to it." He looks at me and smiles, I smile back.

He sits up suddenly. He gets off the bed and holds out a hand to me. "Come on. I'll dance with you." I sit up shocked. "What?" He rolls his eyes at me. And pulls me off the bed by my arms. "Get up and dance with me." He says with a huge grin on his face. I laugh as he pulls me to the middle of my room.

He puts my arms over his shoulders and places his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I hope he doesn't feel how fast my heart is beating right now. I giggle nervously. We sway back and forth to the song. I look up at him and he smiles at me.   

I wish we could stay like this forever, Dancing on an endless loop to the music. This is one of the things I dreamed of doing ever since I was little, dancing with the person I loved to our favorite song.

He twirls me around and I laugh, then He pulls me back to him. I lay my head on his shoulder.

God I love him so much, More than I could ever express. 

He softly sings the lyrics to the song.

Maybe this is my chance. Maybe I could tell him how I feel. "Matt?" I say quietly. I lift my head off his shoulder as he looks down at me. "Hmm?"

His eyes staring into mine makes me nervous. I don't know if I can do this.....
No, I have to, I can't keep hiding this anymore.

"Matt, I-" I'm cut off by a phone ringing. his phone. Well, fuck-
He pulls away from me to check it. He scoffs. "It's Chris, hold on." He answers the call, while I stand there and watch.

"Hey- Yeah." Matt is quiet as he listens. I can hear Chris's muffled voice from the phone. "Ok— Ok, yeah I'll be there in a few minutes." Chris talks a little more, but I can't make out what he's saying. "Ok. Bye." Matt hangs up and slides the phone back into his pocket.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. 
I don't say anything. I'm mad at Chris for ruining my chance, but I know I shouldn't be, because he doesn't know.

The song ended a minute ago and now it's playing "Until I Found You"  I turn down the music.

"Umm, I gotta go pick up Nick and Chris. They were with Laura, so-" 
"Ok," I say. I smile so he doesn't think I'm mad. "Do you wanna come with me?" He asks. I shake my head. "Oh, no, I'm ok. I gotta shower and stuff anyways."
"Ok, well text me later, kay?" I nod. "Ok, I will."

Once he leaves I remove the needle from the record, I place it back into the cover and put it on my shelf.  I stand there staring at the wall, lost in my thoughts.

I guess it wasn't the right time, maybe it never will be. Im so upset. The first time I actually want to confess to him, someone interrupts me. Ugh my life is doomed.

I sit down on my bed and text Jordan everything that just happened.

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