Chapter 27

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The wheels of the car drove smoothly along the road. There was a flat line that crossed our lips which was the silence airing between our bodies. 

Mine and Y/n's shoulders were touching closely. I could vividly feel the sensation in her body that she was breathing abruptly. A sliver of fear must've been churning in her stomach.

I cupped my hand over hers where they're jammed between our thighs. Still having that cold look on my face. She side eyed at me with that arch in her brows. A mixture of confusion and caution.

My gaze is stuck to facing the front as we made a quiet entry near the large mansion. It's my father's headquarters combined with our home.

Once the car stopped, the men on either side hopped out before we did. I let go of Y/n's hand.

Her eyes met with the super heightened, silver polished mansion with lavish lights tailing around the front yard. She appeared more uncomfortable than eariler.

Y/n tailed behind me with bodyguards aligned beside us. 

Just up the next floor of the building, we found the path to my father's grand home officeroom that could possibly disguise as a wedding venue already without booking any other place.

I greeted him with nothing but an apathetic visual on my face.

"Ah, my son. You did what I assigned. Well done." His old-aged smile put more creases on his facial skin than I've ever seen in my 17 years of life.

"Now.." He leaned forth to stand up. "We have arranged to something special that will hold the apposition of our gold family chain."

His way of formality in his phrases was keeping Y/n in like a trance-state mind. Listening to his words but with that hint of suspicion lingering in her eyes and her natural expression in general.

We both had our eyes fixed on him blankly. I tried following up with what he's wording up, but it was already a completed understanding for me.

He spoke a lot about his background in business and so on about our petty family. Although it's giving intell to merely one person in the whole room. 

Her thoughts are probably scattered like crazy, in the mix of figuring out what all this means and just what is lurking up his sleeve.

Then he began walking through the subject on secrecy. Even turned to look at me.

"I know you can get the recognition that something you see is not what's always hiding beneath the shadows." 

He diverted to Y/n. "You have had my son's own hidden occupation discovered in not time. Impressed is what naturally comes to slip in my mind. Disenchantment, however, is what bases my expression more."

His lips curved slightly downward while eyeing Y/n into her more anguished side of emotions she's possibly feeling.

My father hovered one leg over the other, intertwining both hands together on his lap.

"But apart from all of that discussed, there is something I would be happy to further introduce."

The air in the room suddenly felt so inaudible. Not a slither of white noise buzzed in my ears during the long pause after my father's speech. 

In a silent demand with the gesture of his two fingers, the tall, thick pristine doors that were designed to be pure gold, opened with a heavy rumble. I could see from my peripheral view, Y/n slightly turned her head around to see who was to be anticipated behind those doors.

I didn't have to look. I already knew who it was. With the light clacking of the heels walking on the sheer metal floors. It boomed through my head on how many times I've heard those exact same shoes approach from a distance.

Y/n had that eyeing that told me that whatever direction this was leading to, she wasn't happy.

I stood there, not giving any expression that I was just accepting it or unnoticeably distasteful about it. But mentally, I was living with it.

Jieun Mi stood by my shoulder with one arm latching around my arm. My father had that glint of amusement in his heartless eyes.

"My son, the prospect of our future generation's successful chairman, will partner with this pleasantly affluent young lady."

He signalled a gentle hand to Jieun Mi as she subtly grinned at his generous way of describing her. A little butterfly in my stomach was fighting uncomfortably as the speech went on. My eyes stared at the ground, not hanging my head too low.

The sly smirk on his face then set to Y/n's direction. At this point, I was getting mixed feelings about the whole situation.

"As for you - a kind woman with a gentle soul - unfortunately, the result in your case is that you will not be able to the face of my son again."

He latched a hint of a sinister tone to his voice. "You will be transferred to another safe place, further away than what you can encounter any interaction with my son. Seemingly as he has another family in the waiting."

She stammered with an answer, speaking softly. "What about my school..?"

"That won't matter. My son will be better off married after his education has finalised. Then you would not have to worry about relocating to a different school." He said.

"I don't want you anywhere near my son."

She chewed on her lip, narrowing down her brows like something was just beginning to tip her over. Since we are on the edge of finally having to graduate, that meant that our time is impending on us as we're currently standing here.

But, my father wasn't done with his devious remarks as he grew a knowing grin. "And to jump to conclusion, no husband would want to be with a woman who has a chronically ill sister and a family of broken heritage."

Something appeared to have snapped in her head. Air was sharply sucked through Y/n's teeth as she inhaled a furious breath, making her chest full.

My father was undoubtedly twisting things up with Y/n's personal feelings with everything, and knows how she can have a sensetive soul when it came to belittling her family in any way.

I still did nothing to prevent this from continuing. I internally wanted to take Y/n by her hand and run as fast as we could to flee from my father's words that are putting both of our lives on the edge.

Jieun Mi had her cheek comfortably rested on my shoulder, effortlessly trying to feed me love that I don't condemn with feeling back to her.

Y/n was breathing quite heavily. Purely with anger rubbing hard against her skin. I gave a couple of side eyes to make sure she wasn't gonna do anything abnormal.

Her skin was going more pale as she glared at my father, triggered and uneased.

And, in a moment that almost flew past my head, her body fell backwards. Putting me and Jieun Mi off guard the split-second she began to collapse.

I seized a coin of luck when I was able to catch her, fully engulfed in my arms, where her head landed on my chest and her arms flopped over mine. She was flat of movement.

A rise of panic fled my expression and my eyes were wide open. 

"Y/n?? Y/n!"

I cried out her name, unknowing of what to do. Jieun Mi just stared and watched the situation unfold. My father didn't bat a single eye lid.

I was on my knees while holding her over my legs. Her face was completely stiff and out cold..

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