Chapter 3

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I heard the door open then shut, knowing that is was Jungkook that had just arrived back.

Shit! He's gonna kill me if he sees me in here..!

My mind was freaking out. I tracked that his footsteps were in the kitchen, which is right near his room.

I had know idea he would've come at this moment. 

What the hell do I do? I can't just walk out like I have a reason. My legs were rocking back and forth as a strategy to get thinking whilst my heart was pounding frantically.

When I heard the muffled sounds of his shoes, I pieced the puzzle together that he went to the bathroom. My hand then slowly but quietly rotated the door knob and pulled it open without making a single noise.

I checked left and right. Thankfully, he wasn't in sight. And the bathroom door was closed, assuming that he's occupied.

As I tip-toed the quietest I could get back to my room, I shut the door very delicately like handling glass.

In a state of relief, my whole body slid down against the door with my butt hitting the floor.

Thank god he didn't see me. 

I then could hear the bathroom door open as I knew Jungkook came out to leave to his bedroom. He didn't even flush for pete's sake.

I waited for approximately three minutes to walk out as casual as possible. Once I took that risk, he was stood a few meters facing me, death present around his aura.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You were in my room, were you?" 

That deep voice quickly erupted my heart back into panic mode. I stumbled to speak, but I managed to splur out a lie. 

"No. I never came anywhere close to your private place. Plus, you probably would wanna hide things from me anyway. So why would it be my business to snoop into your precious space?"

I don't think he gave into my lie.

"Exactly. What makes it any of your business for you to snoop around into my stuff, huh?" He stepped a few centimeters close. 

"Well.. I-I never wanted to see your stuff. You keep everything private anyway since you're so cold all the- time..."

His hand then tightly squeezed the top of my head, squishing my brain into mud. It made me groan from the agony of his strength as his head cocked a little to the side. 

"I'll let you off the hook this time. If I manage to catch a glimpse of you snooping or doing anything...."

He finished his sentence with the thumb of his free hand scratching across his neck; sending me a threatening gesture for my stupidy.

Jungkook finally let go of my head as I could feel the pressure points of where he crushed them. I rubbed my temple in pain. Damn, his hand is strong.

This fricking moron thinks he can threaten me?

We parted to our seperate rooms. After all that hullabaloo, I dozed into my bed without eating a single thing.

When I did wake up, my hunger was suddenly eating away at my stomach.

Shit. I didn't eat anything last night, huhI thought. I stepped outside of my door, rubbing my eyes continuously.

I could barely see any sort of food in the fridge and cabinets. I grunted annoyed and hungry.

"Why is there nothing at all in here?" I questioned to myself, "Do we live in the middle of a desert?"

As I looked further deeper, nothing was sparking interest. My hand slammed the cabinet door and thought to just starve. 

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌-𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐓  |  𝐉𝐉𝐊 Where stories live. Discover now