Chapter 30

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Her house was very warm. The air felt contaminated of a lively home bakery scent and aura.

I almost missed that feeling, but didn't really remember it either.

I let my gaze to drift off to get a good view of the place. Y/n waddled in front of me. The woman that I saw before, her mother, was casually camping in the kitchen where she last was.

She looked at me with that glint of familiarity in her eyes which told her it was the boy who left with her daughter earlier. 

"Oh!" She gasped. "It's you. Jungkook, was it?" She sounded so serene yet charming.

"Yes." I nodded, smiling lightly.

I didn't capture a look of Y/n's face, but I could feel that she was mildly embarrassed by this greeting.

Her mother carried a heart-felt smile the whole time she peered up and down at me. As she talked, she held a hot wet plate in her hand with a dish towel in her other.

"What brings you over?" She asked. Only the most inherent lie pierce through my mind and climb to my tongue.

"Uh.. Me and Y/n have got something to work on." I scratched my neck.

She nodded with an intrigued look. "Huh."

"It's for a friend's birthday coming up. We just wanted to plan a surprise party for them." Y/n nudged in between the conversation.

By outlining her mother's expression, she had that awe in her face that telepathically told us "Aw, how cute!"

While letting another cave of silence fill in the blank space afterward, me and Y/n syncly looked at each other. Our expressions couldn't sat otherwise that we didn't really have a clue where to go from there.

Y/n chose to cut through the silence. "Well, we'll be in my room. Just, call me if you need anything."

Her mother nodded once more. I then was led upstairs to the gateway of Y/n's glorious cosy space. When I stepped in, it reciprocated just like the one in our dorm room.

The ambience and the vibe as a whole felt just as embracing as the other. That's how I really knew that it was like Y/n's safe place.

Being at home was her main security. And being in her bedroom in the dormitory flat mimicked that feeling, which was always what gave Y/n the sense of relief whenever she fled to her room and would come out more at evenly-tempered.

That's how much home meant to her. Not much on the same track for me.

I stared around, from posters to makeup kit to polaroid photos of her friends to framed pictures of her family on her beside table. It was as awkwardly silent like the previous 10 times.


My mind could only question what on earth I'm doing with my life at the moment.

When I stole a glimpse of Jungkook fixated on the framed photo of me and my family, he locked full gaze at it for a while. It immediately crossed my mind what he's presumingly thinking.

We have very complicated emotions, me and Jungkook. A lot of the time, I find him hard to study the look on his face, connected with his thoughts, but in very rare occasions like this, it was obvious what was bottling up behind those eyes.

"Am I really that interesting to look at?" I said teasingly just to elevate the mood a little bit.

He didn't move his face nor turned to look at me. The playful smirk that I wanted to plaster on each corner of my lips was non-existent.

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