Chapter 14

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The movement of the vehicle was breaking slowly. It must've meant that we were near the destination I believe that Jungkook announced to me. 

Took some stops and turns here and there, but this way the car actually halted. With that, Jungkook escorted himself out the back of the car, along with me as I opened the door closest to my right and jumped straight out.

I had know idea what to expect other than a family house. A rather dazzling and rain-showered house! Heck. This building was massive.

It's a mansion

The whole thing of itself was a colossal giant. No wonder Jungkook developed such a spoiled and selfless personality. Guess he still hasn't matured to this day.

Wondrously gazing around the whole front view of the place like I was a child in an art museum, I was somehow bedazzled by the look as I've never in my life come across a house this expensive.

I knew Jungkook had money. But just not to this extend?

I found myself just pondering my eyes around it before even entering inside with eyes as big as the sun, mouth slightly gaped. Until Jungkook snapped me out of it.

"Quit the baby stare, would you?"

I just smacked my lips, rolling my eyes as well. What's there to look at without having your eyes widened at the fascinating scenery? Average in his eyes I suppose.

With that, his finger was used to press the door bell. The glistening sound chimed its melodic tune til the door opened, revealing a middle aged women with the sweet boggle eyes forming on her face, looking up at Jungkook's tall appearance.

"Ah. Kookie, it's good to see you again." They shared a brief hug. Couldn't help but sheepishly smirk at them.

The lady then turned to me quite astounded with my soft image. "Wow. A very beautiful women at my door! What a pleasant surprise to see Jungkook with a lovely looking lady." 

Her arms were spread like a teddy bear as she leaned in to me with a gentle gesture. 

Jungkook on the other hand just side eyed me a little, quirking his brow like it was weird. 

"Are you Y/n?"

"Um. Yes, I am."

"Ah. Jungkook introduced me to you earlier as his room mate." She lifted that delicate smile on her face. It caused me to glance over at Jungkook as his eyes were already on me.

The woman then gestured us to come inside, letting me to step in first as the lady would say. Not the man this time.

As if the outside wasn't fascinating itself, the inside was more that enchanting. I felt as if I was living in a castle. I must be overexaggerating a little bit. Jungkook just thought I was being too childish.

Who wouldn't wanna sit and stair at a palace like this?

The lady further explained about herself as I was indeed a bit confused on what role she was suppose to be. 

"I'm the house wife. You can pretty much say that I'm Kookie's step-mother as I have helped raise him throughout his highschool years."

That brought me to nod understandingly. Also, hearing that nickname slip from her mouth already sent a memory of when I mocked that name in front of Jungkook.

Could already tell his eyes were on me the second I snickered at that word. He hated that coming from me.

"Kookie is what I use to name him and still do" She laughed, poking eyes at Jungkook even though his expression looked like he was about to end either of us. Mainly me.

"Please, take a seat in the living room. It's comfortable, I promise."

Oh I could already tell just by observing it. In this rich ass house, it for sure be like the Queen's bed I'm sitting on. Since this was my first time standing foot into this house, I was nervous on what rules to follow being the guest here.

I knew anything I touched, Jungkook has my head.

The softness of the carpet grazing against my feet was like walking on a cat. A lot of this rich material was just amazing to feel, being born into a normal rented place.

"Would you like a drink of anything, Y/n?"

"Oh. No. I'm good, thank you."

The woman carefully placed herself on the leather couch from the otherside of us. Coming to realise now that Jungkook was sat literally right next to me.

"I got to say, Y/n, you have a lot of manners." That glitzy smile of hers formed. Didn't think too much of it although it didn't come as a shock to me. Jungkook's a spoiled boy after all.

I didn't want to speak my mind though cuz that would anger Jungkook.

Instead of that, I chuckled harmlessly as I took the compliment.

"Well, thank you ma'am-"

"Call me Auntie."

She insisted, no resistance in her tone whatsoever. "Uh- Thank you, Auntie." Have no idea why that felt weird to say to a house wife. She's not Jungkook's actual mother either.


The day went on by quick. Meaning, the whole afternoon spent at Jungkook's place. The maid was polite which made me nearly fall in love with her.

Jungkook insisted that we leave. Where? Who knows.

All I was told was that it was I time to leave the house wife back to her housing duties. I waved her a goodbye before Jungkook selfishly closed the door before I could properly see her wave back.

Earning quite the slap on his arm, which he gave back with a harsh smack to the back of my head.

"Ow." I massaged the back of my skull.

"I didn't even hit you that hard." Those bunny teeth started to show itself as he smirk viciously. That asshole.

The man dressed in black, whome I presumed to be a guard, opened the back door for us. Jungkook pushing my whole self into the vehicle like no tomorrow. Throwing himself in after.

I got use to being inside the black car for some reason. That's only the second time I've sat in it. The guard in the front, driving it, was thrashing each turn like a car chase.

I almost broke my shoulder from the cause of a hard turn. Why on earth were we turning so much? That I never knew of.

One in which an accelerated spin crashed Jungkook onto me from the far end, putting his full weight onto my frail self against the door. With that happening, our eyes immediately met with widen expression.

His lips brought up a slight curve with a light sighing chuckle come out. Never have I realised that my cheeks were glowing like the sun if it was red. More red than ever.

Although even for 10 seconds, he still hadn't taken himself off. His was a fingernail length from being near reach of my lips. To which I yelped, slapping him constantly.

"Get the hell off of me Jungkook!! I swear!"

My eyes were scrunched shut with my brows knitted together furiously. Finally he pulled off the tones he carried away from my petite figure. I left my arms crossed like a child who didn't get their way.


"What?" I shot him a death stare.

"Nothing." He turned away, fading back to blank.

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