...Airy joined BFB/TPOT

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What if... Airy came to BFB/TPOT.

Please watch the above animation! You won't regret it; it's GLORIOUS!!!

I can't stop thinking about how depressing the ending to the last ONE-shot was, so now I'm making up for it by making something fun! This is going to have a lot of Algebraliens in it, because I honestly love them more than any of the contestants, sorry not sorry.

Things to note:

#1 - You can read this if you have never watched BFB or TPOT. There are no major spoilers, but I do highly recommend the first half of BFB and all of TPOT. Honestly though, some of my favorite videos are the jacknjellify subscriber milestone videos, which are the ones featuring mostly the Algrebraliens. Again, this story can be read if you've never watched any of these.

#2 - I do still recommend that you watch ONE before you read this, because it does contain some mild spoilers.

#3 - This takes place after TPOT 9, which is the latest episode as of now. I know that a lot is going to change in future episodes, so I thought I'd just go ahead and set the timeline for those of you who watch the series.


A huge plain of grass stretched out in all directions, dotted by the occasional tree. The swings of an empty swing set swayed in the breeze. A couple other pieces of playground equipment also stood, currently unused. In the middle of this field, several colorful numbers sat in a circle on the grass.

"Ugh, I'm boooooored." 6 grumbled, throwing down their playing cards as 5 smugly grinned and scooped them up.

"You only say that because you've lost every game so far." 8 rolled their eyes, staring down at their own deck.

"No he's right. Nothing new ever happens here." 7 pointed out, casually chewing on one of their own cards.

"What's up my radical numbers! You playing another cool game of cards?!?!" 9 shouted as they rolled over on his permanently attached skateboard.

"I'm not a radical." 7 pointed out.

"Technically you can be." 5 corrected.

"Hey 9! Where have you been?" 6 asked, jumping up eagerly.

"Just checking up on my buddy 2. They had their hands full that last episode with that uncool infection stuff." 9 explained.

6 sighed and sat back down, "So nothing new then, huh?"

"Well... 4 and x got back from their fishing trip..." 9 said, trying to come up with something interesting.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuugh..." 6 grumbled, falling onto his back.

8 rolled their eyes again, huffing in frustration as they too lost to 5... "6, why are you so huffy about this stuff? It's literally been this way since... forever..."

"Exactly!" 6 said, "1, 2, and 3 all left years ago, and then 4 and x left to start their weird show or whatever, and we're just stuck here with nothing to do! I'm sick of it!"

"We could always watch TPOT. That's pretty interesting." 7 suggested as he started eating another card.

"We've already watched all the episodes several times. It takes forever for 2 to make new ones." 5 complained.

"Give my awesome bud a break. They're working hard to make their radical show." 9 said.

"Yeah well-" 8 began, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming up behind them.

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