The Team of Tonypridd

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I arrived at the station panting and leaned heavily against the post next to the open gate to catch my breath. 3 miles of continuous running early in the morning was just too much!

I overslept tremendously - on my first real day at work! Plus, to my dismay, Station Officer Morris had already left when I was still hoping that she might take me with her back to the station. Apparently she was an early type of person and the end result was that I had to hurry up a lot.

But I still managed to get dressed, brush my teeth and get to the station in twenty minutes - well, my toothbrush was in the breast pocket of my jacket because I had done that on the way, but at least I was in time!

"Good morning, Niall. Do you need anything? Maybe an oxygen device?" Trixie asked me with a grin and I jumped. She squatted next to Arthur and held a pair of pliers in her hand, while someone was lying on a roller board underneath Arthur with only his legs sticking out - I guessed for Elliot or technology nerd Arnold.

"Thanks, Trixie, but it's okay. I like jogging to work. It keeps me fit!" I replied with more conviction than I really felt for it.

"Overslept, huh?" I heard Penny's voice and the next moment she rolled out from under the vehicle on the roller board. My mouth dropped open. Was there actually something she couldn't do? "Should I maybe get into the habit of waking you up in the morning too?" she added with a grin as she handed the tool in her hand to Trixie.

"Um, I didn't oversleep. How did you...why do you think that, Ma...Penny?!" I stammered embarrassedly and tried to cover it up with a self-confident grin. Penny and Trixie looked at each other and laughed quietly before she stood up, shot me a look and touched the corner of her mouth. Confused, I copied her movement on myself and immediately ran the sleeve of my shirt over my mouth when I realized there was still some toothpaste stuck there. Damned!

"You remind me of a former colleague sometimes, Niall," she objected, amused, and I looked up at her in surprise. That could only be one.

"This Peyton?" I replied with a grin, my chest already swelling with pride.

"Absolutely not! I have someone in mind who tends to be very clumsy," she replied amused, and the pride was gone again as she rolled back under the vehicle.

"Well, thanks," I murmured quietly and I heard her laugh.

"Oh perfect. Lizzie is back with Tiny," Trixie now exclaimed enthusiastically and I turned to follow her gaze and see a vet's car drive into the yard.

"Who is Tiny?" I asked, confused.

"Our rescue dog. You'll love him! He was with vet Sparks overnight for observation after his big check-up with vaccination," Trixie explained to me enthusiastically and almost gushed.

"Can you please take him from her, Niall? I'm a little busy here at the moment. But send Lizzie to me so we can sort out the paperwork," I heard Penny say under Arthur.

"Sure, no problem. I get along very well with dogs!" I replied, happy about the new task and strolled across the yard towards the car, from which a red-haired woman got out and looked at me with interest. I would probably introduce myself first. What did Trixie call her? Veterinarian Sparks?

"Hello Mrs. Sparks. I'm Niall Grant, the new member of the team here," I said to her with a smile and offered her my hand. She took it with an equally friendly smile and a 'Nice to meet you.' "I'm supposed to pick up Tiny and send you to Station Officer Morris to get the papers ready. She's in the hall," I added, but to my surprise she looked at me confused for a moment.

"Papers? We usually just drink tea," she replied confused, before shrugging her shoulders and making her way into the hall, but I still saw a grin on her face. "Okay. Tiny is in the trunk. Good luck."

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