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Penny parked the car in front of a house that looked more than just ostentatious. It was still fairly new and didn't fit into the neighborhood architecturally because it was quite modern. She turned off the engine, but kept her hands on the steering wheel and took a silent breath.

Penny had been quiet the whole trip and I had occasionally given her a cautious sideways glance, wondering whether I should say something. However, her thoughtful look stopped me every time. She had heard enough today to explain her pensive mood and she was probably also thinking about what was about to happen and why Davies had done what he was about to do.

"Should we think of a code word?" I said carefully to break the silence and received a skeptical look from Penny, which made me more than nervous. "I'm just thinking. What if he wants to beat you? Or take you hostage and threaten you with something before I can intervene? I can put Sarah on speed dial so she can tell Sam if things get bad or Mr. Williams can come with a SWAT team and storm the house", I explained to her as I pulled the phone out of my pocket and actually opened my phone book on it.

"Could it be, that your curiosity is also accompanied by an unbridled imagination?!" Penny remarked and when I looked up at her again, she had raised a critical eyebrow. All I could do was smile awkwardly and shrug my shoulders. What else could I say? In the films, corrupt politicians never shy away from anything, right? Maybe one of them was even friends with a mafia organization based in Great Britain. They would quickly give us shoes made of concrete and sink us in the nearest river. Should I send Sarah a quick farewell confession of love via cell phone? "I may not know him as well as Sam, but I know him well enough to know that he wouldn't do something like that," Penny objected and it calmed me down at least a bit. "I just don't know if it's a good idea if you come with me?" That really surprised me.

"Why?" I asked her confused. Her statement caused skepticism, but also a fair amount of fear that something could really happen to her and then I was out here and couldn't intervene.

"I think it's better if Jonas and Brown don't even know who knows all about that. That way I can tell him that you only came along to watch over me. But if you come in and hear everything, you're officially an accomplice." So she really feared something from the two of them? Was she just trying to protect me?

"But I came with you to look after you. How am I supposed to do that when I'm sitting here in the car?" I said hesitantly. I didn't like that at all, although her smile calmed me down a bit. She couldn't be too resentful if she reacted like that, right?

"To the right of the front door is the living room. I'm going to go in there and talk to him there. I'll try to stay in front of the window so you can keep an eye on me, if that calms you down," she explained to me after pointing at the large window that reached to the floor and was free of curtains, as is probably the case in modern households today. "Call me on the cell phone, then you can listen in and..." She broke off and leaned towards me a bit to open the glove compartment and rummage through countless papers and a few children's CD's before pulling something out of it. Confused, I looked at the device in her hand as she tested it briefly. "It's a voice recorder. It dates back to the days when cell phones didn't have a recording function or maybe they did and people just didn't know how to use it," She explained to me with a smile and I grimaced for a moment in annoyance at this taunt.

"I'm not entirely new either. Thanks, Penny!" I remarked, a little offended, as I took it from her. "What am I supposed to do with it?"

“To not only listen to the conversation, but also to record it,” she said, already reaching for the door opener.

"Wouldn't it be easier if you put it in a pocket? The quality should be much better than as by recording a phone call," I commented confused and saw her pause and turn back to me.

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