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"Get ready. We're going to Pontypandy!" Penny called to us late at the next morning as she walked in the gate and we all looked up at her, giving each other a questioning look before turning back to her in confusion.

"What are we supposed to do there? Are we helping them prepare for the Halloween festival?" Arnold objected confused and Penny looked at him skeptically.

"Don't overdo it Arnold! It's a mystery to me since when you've been into Halloween at all, but no, that's not why we're going. I have to clarify something with Sam and I still have one or two announcements to make that will affect both you and as well as his team," Penny stated as she opened Artus door and placed a bag she had brought with her on the driver's seat.

She seemed to be in a little better mood today than she had been the last few days, although not quite as cheerful as she usually was. I had heard the mayor drive home shortly after I had closed the door. Luckily, it hadn't occurred to them to start their new life together right away. I had to let what I had heard sink in first. If I had been kept awake by squeaking bed springs last night or had run into him in the hallway this morning, I would definitely have vomited. I still had the feeling that only a proper emptying of my stomach could help me digest what I had heard. I didn't even dare tell my colleagues because then I would have to reveal Penny's pregnancy, and as long as Mr. Jones didn't know about it, it wouldn't be okay to let everyone else know.

"Oh God, I hope we're not all going to be put together, are we? I don't want to go to Pontypandy. I'm not seaworthy," Elliot complained in a downright whining tone.

"Don't worry, Elliot. There are a few changes coming to all of us, but nothing that major," Penny replied to him, smiling as she leaned against Arthus with her arms crossed, waiting for us to pack up our uniforms. Ultimately, we had to be ready to respond should an emergency call come in while we're en route. I agreed with her. No change could be as significant as the one that was coming to her."On the other hand, that probably wouldn't be such a bad idea. Our two fire stations are undergoing major renovations and the money would probably be better spent if Newtown would set up one new big station halfway down the road instead of two small ones," Penny then wondered aloud as she got into Arthus.

"That would be kind of cool, wouldn't it?" I objected as I got in next to her. The idea of ​​working with Pontypandy wasn't so bad. I would probably see Sarah more often, a bigger team also promised more fun and the fact stayed that Sam and Penny would also be closer to each other again. But was Penny really considering it? After all, the mayor had made it pretty clear yesterday that he preferred her staying away from Sam.

"But we would have to travel longer to the emergencies," complained Elliot. He didn't seem to be enthusiastic about it at all.

"We could have access to a helicopter and a plane for that if we needed them," I replied to him as I turned around in my seat to face him as Arnold and Trixie also got in.

"I'm not flying either!" he grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes and turned back to look ahead. I saw Penny smiling in amusement as she drove off.

"Can we discuss this if the case really were to happen at some point and not now?" Penny objected with a grin and looked back in the rearview mirror again.

"But you're still coming to the party tonight, aren't you? You're not going there with us now so that you can say later that you've already been there today?!" Trixie then asked her skeptically from behind and Penny raised an eyebrow the same skeptically. We had been chatting her up for two days now and yesterday she finally gave in and promised to go there with us. Cody wanted her to take him over there anyway because he wanted to celebrate there too. After all, he had the day off school tomorrow so he could celebrate Halloween today. Then why not just stay there too?!

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