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>I had trouble at work today. Your uncle was there. He was about to beat me up and ended up telling Penny that we want to find out what happened between them 😥<, I texted Sarah on the way home. I left the car parked today. I didn't want to get too used to it lest I get too comfortable. In addition, it was inefficient and harmful to the environment if I took the car every time instead of taking the bus or even walking. I had to take into account my generation, which stuck to streets and went on the streets on Fridays to protest for a cleaner environment.

>😳 What did Penny say about that?< Sarah replied promptly.

>Nothing to him or to me yet, but I think she will when I get home 😥<

>How did he know that? 🤔<

>He went fishing with your Dad?!< She must have noticed that yesterday when Mr. Jones arranged to meet her father. She was standing right next to me and I had heard them both loud and clear.

>I'm talking to my Dad. I have a shooting practice later in the dark and don't get off work until 8 p.m. But I'm home now. You can come over, then you can hide with me.<

>I can't run away from it forever. I'll have to talk to her at some point. How are you getting home later? Mr. Evans only drives until 7 p.m.<

>If that happens, I always take the bus to Tonypridd and walk the rest of the way.< She couldn't be serious, could she?!

>In the middle of the night??? 😱<, I demanded.

>9pm is not the middle of the night. It's late in the evening 😅<

>At this time you could eat something with me instead of going for a walk alone on the country road 😉<, I suggested to her instead. I couldn't get the thought of inviting her to dinner at this romantic restaurant out of my mind and this was my chance.

>Are you asking me out on a date?<

>If you send me the address of the academy so that I can pick you up and you want to, then yes 😉<, I simply wrote back cheekily, but maybe I should show her that I was really serious, right? >I would be happy.<, I wrote to her quickly.

>Me too.< Then she answered and I grinned happily. Next she sent me the address, before a final greeting came: >See you later and good luck 🍀<

I had now arrived home and since I had bought a few little things in town, I knew that Penny had been home before me for sure. So I decided to go in to the door on the back of the house.

"Niall?" Penny called to me when I had barely packed away my groceries and I jumped up and went to my door to open it. She was standing in the hallway and our eyes met. She didn't look particularly angry, but maybe she was just hiding that behind her otherwise calm demeanor? "Can we talk?" I just nodded because I had to swallow first. What was coming to me now? A sermon? The termination? Immediate expulsion from the house?

"Sure," I answered her as I followed her into the kitchen and listened confusedly into the house. "Isn't Cody here?"

"He's with a friend to play," she answered me with a smile and the fact that she smiled calmed me down a little while she gestured for me to sit down. "What's your story, Niall?" she then asked me, as she grabbed two cups that she had apparently already set out and brought the kettle with her when she came back to the table.

"What do you mean?" I answered her confused as she sat down across from me and poured water into the cups.

"Do you have younger siblings?" She pushed a cup over to me and I thanked her curtly while she took a tea bag from the box at the table and gestured for me to choose some too. I wasn't the biggest fan of tea, but if I had to, I preferred a fruit tea and Penny seemed to have an interesting selection of those.

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