Everyone pitches in

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My uncle and the electrician had rewired the entire upper floor and plastered everything again in the last 3 days. They had also installed a new fuse box in the downstairs hallway. Next week they would finish the ground floor, which now had to be cleared out so that they had space. I had cleared the walls upstairs by first pushing everything together in the middle of the rooms. But the lower rooms were just too full to do that there too. I also spent the last two afternoons chipping away at the tiles in both bathrooms because the plumber for the water pipes was coming next week.

It was all the better that the two containers were finally delivered today. I had written to Sarah that the containers were there as soon as the company had informed me about it by phone at the station this morning and she had warned me not to throw anything away until she was there. I acknowledged it with a grin. Slowly she also caught fire for the house. However, it wouldn't stop me from throwing away the chipped tiles.

That's exactly what I did when she arrived late in the afternoon and to my surprise with her uncle and Radar. I was just coming out of the house with two buckets full of tiles when they drove up to the house where I had been shoveling away the snow over the last few days so that there would be enough space for the containers. Now there was room for a few cars too. I realized that I had quite misjudged myself.

Sarah jumped out of the car and greeted me with a quick kiss, which I was only too happy to oblige...until I met Sam's skeptical gaze and gave him a sheepish smile that hopefully showed him that I was trying to be a good boy.

"What are you planning to do?" I called out to them as they walked purposefully into the house without another word and turned back to me in the doorway.

"Sarah chooses the furniture that she wants to keep and I'll judge whether we can save it or not. Don't let it bother you. You still have enough to do!" Sam simply explained to me and Sarah just shrugged and smiled before the two walked inside without another comment. I kind of felt left out for a moment because they wanted to make this decision without me, but as long as Sarah was happy, I would be too.

On my next trip with two buckets filled again, I was amazed when Sarah's parents drove into the yard with Susen and James and while they got out and greeted me cheerfully, another car came into the yard with Ellie, Elvis, Krystyna, Peter and Mandy.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked them all in surprise as they came chatting to me.

"We heard you two could need some helping hands?!" Elllie answered me with a grin.

"Probably they need more of an guardian angel!" Charlie murmured at the sight of the house and you could tell he was visibly uncomfortable.

"I'm going to check out the house first to see if it's really haunted with my pendulum!" Bronwyn cheered happily after rolling her eyes at her husbands comment. She could do that?

"So what shall we do, Niall?" James turned to me, who seemed full of energy, but caught me off guard a little. We weren't quite ready to employ a whole bunch of helpers yet, were we?

"Oh...um...I...I don't know. The chipped tiles in the lower bathroom still need to be taken out. I'm almost empty of the upper one. Otherwise, everything that Sarah releases has to be thrown away, so you ask her on best," I answered them with a shrug.

"Well, you can see how things are going! He's buying the house and she's wearing the pants," Elvis said with a laugh, as everyone turned around with a smile to go in and I rolled my eyes with a smile. But I didn't care what anyone else thought. The prospect of being able to really live here with Sarah soon and that it would make her happy made me happy too. The fact that everyone was so willing to lend a hand made me even happier.

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