Thwarted Plans

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NIALL >We have a problem! Penny agreed to go on a date with the mayor! Tonight!<, I finally told my new friends in our chat group.

I had been debating for a long time whether I should or not, since it actually had nothing to do with solving the mystery of the mystery between Mr. Jones and Penny. But was there any point in continuing to search when Penny started to look forward after all these years? Shouldn't we just leave them alone then? Maybe she would be happy again and Mr. Davies was the man she needed for it. If not, we could still investigate, right?

The chat was almost bursting with frightened and shocked looking emojis when my eyes fell back on it before anyone could get a full sentence together.

HANNAH >The greaser who danced with her at the party? <

PETER >Didn't you say that she's been keeping him at a distance for years? 🤔<

NIALL >Exactly that one. That's what Mr. Jones said to Penny at the party, but my colleagues confirmed that it was true.<

MANDY >He should be good at his job. Very committed, he has good ideas and is committed to his city. He's also pretty good-looking for a man his age. I'm not surprised Penny gives in to him. He is said to be very charming and seems to be very honest. Nothing is known about him from any women's stories.<

SARAH >Is that the journalist talking or are you into older men now? 😉<

MANDY >Very funny, Sarah! Where do you get your sense of humor from? I googled that! Research is everything! 🧐<

JAMES >Dad always says that Sarah says just as stupid things as Uncle Sam used to! 😜<

SARAH >THANK YOU JAMES!!! 🤬<, Sarah replied to her twin brother and I couldn't help but laugh before another message came from her. >Back to the essentials: The two of them are not allowed to start anything with each other! This thwarts our plans!< What?!

PETER >What plans? 🤨<

NIALL >What plans? 😳<

NORMAN >What plans? 😥<

JAMES >What plans? 😬<

SARAH >Men! 🙄<
>Hellooooo! We wanted to find out what was going on between Uncle Sam and Penny and get rid of it for them!<

NIALL >Find it out? Yes. Get rid of it??? How should we do that?<

SARAH >No idea. We'll find out when we know everything. We need to know what's going on between the two of them so we can plan our next steps exactly and maybe she'll tell the mayor something that's important for our investigation!<

NIALL >Nobody talks about their ex on a date. That doesn't go down well. Especially not on the first date!<

SARAH >Oh look, do we have a relationship specialist or what? 😝< I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but I just couldn't hold it against Sarah.>He's been having a crush on her for years and now she finally agrees?! He will ask her what made her say yes now, or say no before and maybe she will tell him something we don't know yet.<

HANNAH >I'll take care of it. I have an idea.<
>@Niall when and where will the date take place?<

NIALL >He picks her up at 7pm. They want to go to Bellas in Newtown.<

The doorbell rang and I involuntarily looked at the clock. It was half past six. So it couldn't be the mayor. But I had been hearing Penny pacing back and forth upstairs for an hour while she seemed to be getting ready for her date and kept looking out the window because Cody still hadn't come back, even though Mr. Jones wanted to get him back home by 5 p.m. at the latest.

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