It's getting stormy

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After Sarah and I found a Chinese restaurant in Newtown on Friday evening, feasted on the buffet for hours and then spent the night at my place when we were full, we went hiking in the mountains yesterday so that she was able to show me four of the 7 wonders of Pontypandy. Now I at least knew what a half-buried potato looked like, that beavers were obviously nocturnal and I could only hope that my wish that Sarah would like the house after all would come true thanks to the well - I was ready for anything by now to resort to any means, just not to confess it to her. The railway bridge was probably the most impressive sight on our tour. The tour would certainly have been even more pleasant in summer, because it had gotten damn cold in the last week - so cold that my feet felt like lumps of ice after the hike, despite two pairs of socks.

Yesterday we went to the cinema. She spent the night with me again. We only saw Penny in the garden yesterday and helped her pack up the garden furniture for the winter. No one wanted to sit outside in these temperatures anymore. This morning she had approached Sarah in the hallway and asked if we wanted to eat together later, which had ended in all three of us cooking together. I hadn't felt very comfortable with it at first and was worried that we were ruining Penny's quiet weekend with that, but she seemed to have had a lot of fun working through old childhood sins with Sarah that she and her friends had made many years ago in Pontypandy - and so I had a lot to laugh about as well.

I then asked Sarah for a test that she had in the middle of next week. Otherwise we were just lazy today. I enjoyed it very much. On the one hand because I enjoyed every minute with Sarah and on the other hand because thanks to the house I knew that it would soon be over. I had a lot of work to do on it and I had set a deadline for myself: by Christmas I wanted to have the house finished enough to at least be livable again. A tough goal considering that Christmas would be in less than 6 weeks. But it would be the perfect Christmas present for Sarah - alongside the heart pendant necklace I found at the jeweler in Tonypridd last week and I payed to engrave 'I ♡ U 4EVER' on it for her.

A ringing sound woke me from the nap I had fallen into and I opened my eyes. Sarah was lying next to me playing Animal Crossing on my Switch. I couldn't have been dozing for long because she was still harvesting vegetables, like the moment before I had just wanted to close my eyes. I heard Penny greet someone, but she still sounded quite surprised.

"Penny, dear. Please, I can't take this anymore," the mayor's whiny voice pulled me upright and I saw from the corner of my eye that Sarah was now also looking up and, like me, was listening to the voices in the hallway.

"I told you that I need time. The fact that you bombard me with flowers and your apology letters doesn't necessarily make it any easier to think in peace," Penny replied rather coolly. That was good, right?

"I just wanted to show you how sorry I am and how serious I am about you," he replied with a gentleness in his voice that was almost melting - for a woman. Sarah and I grimaced in disgust at his cheesiness.

"Flowers and a few beautiful words on paper don't always show the truth. Words spoken in the heat of the moment do, however," Penny replied calmly. Apparently he left her pretty cold too.

"Oh, sweetie, come on! It wasn't what you meant. How many times do I have to assure you of that?" he practically begged, his voice sounded so whiny.

"What are you supposed to misunderstand when you tell me that I only made Sam my deputy so that I could jump through the beds with him whenever I wanted to?!" she snorted, rather annoyed .

"I didn't say it like that," grumbled the mayor in response.

"But meant it!"

"I'm just scared. He's your greatest weakness, Penny, and he's the one who can hurt you the most because of that. He's already done it. So many times. He..."

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