Time to confess

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Hey. A lot has come together in 50 chapters, so I had to split this chapter into two. But I'll hurry up so that the two of them can put the past behind them as quickly as possible and look forward 😉

"What's with these recordings?" Penny asked again, as Sarah and I were still desperately looking for a way to explain it in a somewhat harmless way. But there was no innocent explanation. Would the truth be flattering to both of them or would I immediately have to move into an unheated and empty house that was a big mess right now?

"And it's best to start at the beginning!" Sam asked us and I saw from the corner of my eye that Sarah gave me an equally demanding look. What? Should I do this alone? How could she leave me hanging like that?

I took a deep breath and thought for a moment before doing exactly what Sam had asked for. If I would explain to both of them how it all started, maybe they would be more understanding of how much we were all able to get ourselves into this, right?

"It all started with the fire at the Mountain Activity Center and because my colleagues had already told me that there was a dispute between Pontypandy and Tonypridd. But up in the mountains I noticed that it was mainly because of Sam, who was very reluctant against us and especially against Penny. I mean, it was no secret what a grouch he is...was!" I quickly corrected myself, always keeping an eye on Sam in case he wanted to hurt me. But Sam was more annoyed by the two women's giggles than by my statement. Penny quickly cleared her throat when she noticed his look, apologized quietly and gestured for me to continue. "The next weekend I was at dinner with Susen when suddenly Cody came in and shortly afterwards Sam too and I noticed that he's Cody's father. I wondered what you found in someone like Sam when he was so different as you are," I explained to Penny hesitantly, not taking my eyes off Sam, afraid he would beat me up right here and now for all this what I had thought about him. Penny blushed, but couldn't quite stop herself from smiling in amusement. Well at least she was in a good mood! If I was lucky, it would stay that way and in the end only Sam would want to strangle me - but that would be bad enough! So I'd better get over with it now, right? Maybe something about our story would appease him."Gwendolyn and Sarah noticed that we were talking about it and they told us that you used to treat each other very differently and that something had happened that caused you to argue but nobody really knew what it was. That made me curious because I suspected that the feud was connected to your argument. At the party in Tonypridd we met everyone else and Sarah specifically introduced us to the Why Files Agents. You know that I overheard your argument with Sam this evening, while you were dancing. I told you about it at the station afterwards." I paused and Penny nodded in confirmation. So everything was clear so far, right? I waited a moment longer, but no one seemed to have any questions and Sarah didn't seem to want to come to my help either."Hannah said that your argument was strange and therefore a case for the Why Files. Somehow it got out of hand and everyone of us were on board for once."

"So we've drawn the attention of a whole pack of would-be investigators?" Penny interjected in surprise and Sarah snorted, unenthusiastically.

"Well, Penny, that's not fair! After all, they solved the mystery of the beast in the Pontypandy Mountains," she defended her friends. A beast in the mountains? That sounded like an interesting story!

"Right. It was your mother forest bathing with seaweed candles and whale songs." Okay, not that interesting after all!

"And with my help, they solved the mystery of the Starfinder Group," Sam now remarked, even seeming a little proud of it, which Penny rewarded by patting him on the shoulder as if he were a little boy.

"Yes, Sam. I know you've always been a fan of them!" she objected with amusement and Sam rolled his eyes briefly in annoyance. "But seriously! A whole bunch of young adults were spying on us and put their noses in something what was none of their business!" she then stated again, as if she wanted to remind him that what we had done wasn't right. But was it really our fault?!

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