Breaking Ice

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Sarah had announced in our chat yesterday afternoon that we had been caught and that we had confessed everything to Sam and Penny. This had caused both excitement and relief - although the latter was more so due to the fact that Sarah had informed them that Sam had already spent the whole day with Penny and Cody. When I had asked who would take part in the punishment work with the litter box, the chat suddenly became surprisingly quiet again. Who would have guessed that?! Even Sarah had made it clear that she certainly wouldn't help me with this. This was perfect! We would definitely still have to work on the saying 'In good times and in bad'!

Sam had actually stayed there all day and had a lovely day with them both - as far as I could tell. But at least they have had a snowball fight outside, built a snowman and warmed up with a hot cup of cocoa while playing a board game. They had laughed, joked and teased each other. We had always noticed their exuberant mood with a satisfied smile and even if Penny's statement still worried me a little, after this day I firmly believed that time healed all wounds and, above all, brought together what belonged together.

I couldn't say whether Penny had shared the same concerns with Sam about entering into a relationship, but I felt the day was a good start and when Sam said goodbye in the evening and I had to go to the bathroom just as Penny was closing the door after him, I at least caught her smiling blissfully.

Everything went perfectly!

Sarah and I retreated to my room for the rest of the day to allow the three of them to enjoy their family life and we occasionally went to the house to feed Spookey. This cat became more and more of Sarah's focus. Once we would live under the same roof with him, I would definitely be written off. But she would clean the litter box herself then!

Today I had the honorable task of taking Arthus to the MOT and I wanted to make the most of it today by being able to drive the coolest fire engine in Newtown. As Penny had said, she strictly separated her professional and private life. I, on the other hand, didn't and since the time was right, I called Penny and asked if I could pick Sarah up from the police academy since she was about to finish.

So now I was standing waiting in front of the police academy, with the window rolled down and my arm resting casually in the window. According to Sarah, a colleague already thought I was hot. Soon all of her classmates would be green with envy and would all want to have a boyfriend like she had!

"Well, beautiful woman. Do you perhaps need a ride home?" I called out to Sarah grinning, as she approached and I could see her surprise at seeing Arthus standing there. My comment made the other two women with Sarah giggle, while Sarah just shook her head with a grin.

"You are allowed to go out? With Arthus?" she asked me as I jumped out of the vehicle the next moment and greeted her with a kiss before I went to the other side to hold the door open for her. "Does Penny know about this?"

"Of course! What do you think of me? He had to go to the MOT and someone had to drive him over there. I even asked her if I could pick you up," I remarked seriously, a little shocked that she thought of me I would ignore my boss. I went back to the driver's side and got back in as Sarah did the same. Her classmates had now crossed the street and were heading towards the bus stop and parking lot when I started the engine. "Put the window down. The window is already reflecting. Not that your colleagues don't recognize you," I said with a grin as I set off.

"You're really enjoying this right now, aren't you?" Sarah said with a grin. Oh yes, I did!

"Totally! A cool car and the most beautiful girl you can imagine. What could be better?" I replied to her proudly.

"Niall Grant. There's a real macho in you!" she remarked and I acknowledged it with a grin. Sometimes even I felt like showing off and today was definitely one of those days. Still, I decided it was best not to push it too far in case Sarah didn't like the macho attitude, so we talked about our day until we passed through Tonypridd on the way to Pontypandy. Yes! Penny had even allowed me to take her home and I was really hoping that Norman would see us in Arthus so he could see what an exciting life I was offering Sarah. Had he already heard of the house? I wasn't usually a resentful person, but since Norman had made such a fool of me in the park, I couldn't hide a certain level of satisfaction that I was Sarah's chosen one. The tunnel was still closed, so we inevitably had to go through the city. Unfortunately, all the other cars and the traffic in the streets had become quite busy since the fire in the tunnel, which is why I had to concentrate quite a bit on the road. Who knew how personally Penny would take it if I came back to the station with a scratch on Arthus paint?!"Is that Cody and his friends there on the ice?" Sarah then asked me, drawing my attention away from the traffic to the lake a few meters next to us.

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