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It had been hard yesterday to separate myself from Sarah and drive home alone. Strange, after just one night spent together. But we both had to get to work early this morning, and even though the others quickly stopped their teasing and Sarah assured me in a quiet moment that nothing would happen as long as we didn't both want it - in terms of getting married or having children - Bronwyn's revelation with her tarot cards threw me off track a bit. However, in a positive sense.

So Sarah should be the one for me? Just the thought made me grin so stupidly for the rest of the day that even Cody asked me twice last night during our now traditional evening gaming if there was something wrong with my face and if I was in pain. I was not. On the contrary. I never realized all these weeks how interesting I really found Sarah. Because she was taken, I simply ignored it. But one kiss and I was completely blown away and the night we spent together finally finished me off. I was completely in love with her - more than I had ever been in my life.

Cody was already home when I got home and Penny had been pretty quiet and withdrawn. Still, she tried to appear as normal as possible as she listened to her son enthusiastically tell her about his weekend with his Dad and his friend Sebastian and the trip he took with his parents Ben and Jodie.

"Will you all please come together?" Penny tore me out of my thoughts late this morning when I was in the middle of washing Arthus and Arnold, who was busy checking the instruments in the driver's cab, also got out and we went to the front, where Penny now stood in the open gate and waited for us to gather together."Chief Fire Officer Boyce died on Saturday after a long illness and I have just received the message that the funeral will take place on Wednesday morning. All firefighters from the Newtown district should attend in full operational gear, instead of the usual dress uniform, and take a position in two rows in front of the church to pay their last respects," she explained to us as Trixie and Elliot joined us, who had to check today the Containers from Merlin.

"Everyone? Who's going to be in charge if something happens here?" I objected, confused. We couldn't leave the station completely unmanned, right?!

"I'll talk to Davies about putting our three city volunteers here on standby. Every city will do it this way and it will also be announced in the city, so we can at least hope that the people in the two to three hours are a little more careful," Penny answered me with a smile. Oh yes, Davies. He came back today. I certainly didn't miss him.

"Don't tempt luck! I just heard yesterday that fate can't be stopped," I muttered as I thought about it, not liking the idea that there wouldn't be a professional on duty at the station. I didn't even know the so-called volunteers. I had never seen them here before. Didn't they have to show up for regular exercises to stay fit?

"Ah, you had a profound conversation with Bronwyn I assume?" Penny replied with a smile and I blushed.

"Profound is perhaps the wrong word. I would call it more...insightful," I replied with a shrug and felt myself blushing as my three colleagues looked at me curiously and even the baby bear tilted his head and examined me .

"Whatever. We haven't really had much to do in the last few weeks, so I'm not worried that a catastrophe will break out in three hours," Penny then returned to the topic at hand and I grimaced. Even I knew that it was better not to say something like that out loud so as not to invite misfortune. Penny noticed my look, however, and smiled in amusement. "What's wrong, Niall? Did she commute you out, give you the cards, or hold a séance?" she then asked teasingly.

"Um, she probably laid out cards. But everything's okay. If that really happens, then I'm more than happy with it. So in a few years or so," I answered her, stammering so as not to give too much away what it was about. My colleagues would tease me about it for weeks.

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