A not so quiet Weekend

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We stayed at the scene for over 2 hours and helped clean up after Mr. Jones drove to the hospital with the ambulance in protest.

Nurse Flood had advocated for him to be properly checked over to make sure he hadn't ended up with something worse she and the doctor hadn't seen. Only after Penny and Sarah had begged him to do so and when Penny had promised to come and visit him with Cody if he had to stay there for the weekend, he did given in - albeit still reluctantly. I could understand him. Who didn't hate having to go to the hospital? But in his case it was definitely for the best. After all, he had been briefly dead after being in the middle of an explosion!

Sarah had driven back to Pontypandy with Ellie, Susen and Elvis to pack her bag at home when we were finally allowed to leave. She had told her Dad at home so he could drop off some clothes for his brother, which he wanted to do the moment I was finally ready to pick Sarah up.

Two hours later and three hours too late, we finally arrived at my parents' house, who had shown their best side - or let's say, they just had no other sides than the one they had: My mother was caring and lively as ever, except that she was a little more excited than usual, while my father was calm himself and often made Sarah laugh with his dry comments about my mother's behavior.

We spent the evening with them and answered their curious questions as best we could and wanted. I really enjoyed seeing how well Sarah seemed to get along with them and how natural it seemed that she was here with us. Not only did I watch her very closely, but also so that I could immediately recognize if something was becoming unpleasant for her so that I could save her and we could retreat. Of course that didn't happen, but I still wanted to enjoy a little time alone with her and for that reason alone I wanted to take her up with me as the evening progressed. Despite several attempts, I didn't succeed as quickly as I had hoped for, which had a lot to do with the fact that my mother had used one of my bathroom breaks to dig out the old photo albums, and I was horrified to discover that for sure!

So I was able to watch Sarah for over an hour as she laughed and smiled at my childhood pictures and wiped a few tears of laughter from her eyes. It had been so embarrassing and I would definitely keep the revenge for it in the back of my mind for the next visit to the Whole Fish Cafe!

It had already been past 11 p.m. before I finally managed to pry her away from my parents, and even though after the exciting mission and the long evening I would have bet that I would fall asleep as soon as my head had touched my pillow, the calculation was made without the invigorating power of emotions. As soon as she got into bed, she cuddled up to me and we talked about this and that, which for anyone else would have been irrelevant small talk. But I didn't want to miss any of what she had to say to me. She could have insulted me or read me instructions for making toilet paper Santas and nothing would have made more sense to me.

Something as simple as a hug quickly led to a touch. One touch to a gentle goodnight kiss and the kiss ultimately to a total failure in our minds - at least definitely in mine. But I did get to enjoy that night, the second most wonderful night I had probably experienced in my entire life, and I'd be damned if I wouldn't do everything I could to be able to share countless more of them with her.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of a cell phone ringing and it took me a moment and a push from Sarah to realize that it was mine disturbing our morning peace. Reluctantly, still half asleep, I felt around my bedside table for my phone until I finally found it. However, I didn't recognize the number when I blinked at the display. Who could calling so early? After all, it was only 8 o'clock! On a Saturday you could still call it a night!

"Hello?" I grumbled into the phone.

"Niall? It's me, Ellie!" Okay, that confused me a little and I was immediately awake.

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