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My Mum had actually packed me the merchandise underwear from the Sam Jones movie for real and Cody had discovered them that evening when I unpacked the bag at home after the meeting while he was still gaming with me half an hour before he had to go to bed.

He was so enthusiastic about that underwear, so later in bed I looked for it on the Internet and I actually found a set of three, brand new and in its original packaging, and ordered it for him straight away.

They arrived two days later and I had him unpack the package immediately. I had originally wanted to save it for his birthday, but since that wouldn't be for another 5 months and I was too impatient for his reaction, I gave it to him immediately.

He had been so happy and even Penny had grinned slightly when Cody had proudly presented it to her that I knew it had been the right decision to give it to him straight away.

Penny had been strangely calm and withdrawn since yesterday morning, although she had still seemed fairly normal on Sunday evening, although I had caught her massaging her temples twice. But something had been bothering her since yesterday morning and no matter what my colleagues and I tried at the station, we couldn't get anything more out of her than a tired smile.

Cody was reluctantly starting to do his homework and I promised to help him as soon as I took out the trash. I walked around the house to the trash cans while, thanks to the tilted window, I could hear Penny talking to someone on the phone in the living room, asking them to come over tonight so they could talk. She sounded strangely serious and I couldn't help wondering who it was on the phone as I flipped open the lid of the trash can. I threw the folded box on top and was about to close the lid when something pink caught my eye.

How strange. None of us were the type to buy anything pink - not even Penny. Without thinking, I reached for the narrow box and pulled it out from under the pile of newspapers and cardboard it had been stuffed under - and froze.

Now I had an idea of ​​what Penny had needed so urgently from a Newtown pharmacy and what had obviously set her off.

If I had to bet, I would put my hand on the fire that she had just had either Mr. Jones or Mr. Davies on the phone and asked to speak - and I sincerely hoped it had been the first one she obviously had something to confess.

To my chagrin, at half past eight in the evening it wasn't Mr. Jones who came, but rather Mr. Davies. Cody had been in bed for half an hour and I had heard that Penny had gone up the stairs less than ten minutes ago - probably to make sure that Cody was really asleep so that he wouldn't notice anything. He was also definitely too young for a conversation like that.

But I wasn't and my curiosity was too great. I wanted certainty! So I opened the door a crack and lay quietly on the bed so I could listen but pretend I was sleeping in case anyone of them got suspicious and wanted to check.

"Hey, sweetie. How was your day?" the mayor greeted her and I heard him give her a kiss. I shook myself briefly in disgust. What should I say? In my opinion he was the wrong man for her, although I couldn't say what exactly I didn't like about him.

"Pretty good, I think," Penny replied quietly and I could tell she was still thinking.

"Did something happen?" he then asked, his voice becoming quieter. They had probably gone into the living room or the kitchen, but I could still understand them, even if I had to try hard. "I mean, you've been so reserved since last week, but since yesterday you've been really strange. What's going on? Did that Jones annoy you again? I knew it wasn't a good idea to visit him. That you always have to keep your promises," he then stated and really didn't seem very happy that Penny had done that.

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