New Friends

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I hadn't slept half the night. Penny had gotten home two hours after me and, judging by the noises, had gone straight to bed. The party must have ended early if she was back at one in the morning.

I was restlessly rolling from side to side while I kept thinking about how harmoniously the two of them had danced together, how I had seen Mr. Jones smile more in 15 minutes than I had in my entire four weeks Internship, that Penny was crying and I couldn't believe what she had said to Mr. Jones earlier. Mr. Jones had admitted to Cody that he loved his mother. She denied it, at least to Mr. Jones. But why was I surprised? He had also told Cody clearly that he didn't want her to find out. What had happened between the two of them?

At some point I fell asleep and felt like I was immediately woken up by my cell phone.

"Mmhh?" I mumbled into the phone after a quick glance and saw that it was Susen and closed my eyes again.

"What's wrong with you? Are you still in bed?" I heard her ask in surprise and I stretched extensively.

"I've a weekend off. Why are you surprised about that?" I simply replied to her as I pulled the blanket up to my chin and turned onto my side again. I've never been a lazy person, but today I could easily lie down for half the day and then maybe play a videogame for a while later.

"Because you went home so early? I thought you got more than enough sleep. We have stayed all longer over there as you and are already on the road again."

"Good for you," I just mumbled. What did she actually want from me? Moment! Who was she with? "Who are we?" I asked and now I heard voices in the background that I hadn't noticed before.

"Well, our new friends from Pontypandy," she replied to me and I paused. She quickly got involved with the people. Sure, they were nice and all of them at our age - at least that Norman, Hannah and Peter seems to be. The twins and Mandy, on the other hand, seemed younger. Maybe two or three years? Doesn't matter!

"Susen. We met them once and had a beer with them. You can't really call them friends," I stated, as I wasn't sure whether it was really the desire to get to know each other or curiosity that brought us together yesterday. Well, I hadn't spent as much time with them as Susen, because I danced with Sarah and went home after my subsequent hobby detective work.

"My goodness, you're absolutely NOT a morning person!" Susen grumbled into the phone and I'd bet she rolled her eyes just as I heard a few girls giggling in the background. "Now get out of bed and get going!" she told me and the very thought of leaving my warm bed to go outside was disgusting to me as soon as I took a look out the window. Outside, a veil of mist hung in the air. Was it cold? After all, winter was just around the corner.

"Which way?" I murmured as I snuggled into the pillow a little more.

"To the park in Pontypandy."

"What is there?"

"Woah, we'll meet them there," she replied, annoyed by my short answers.

"Why?" I mumbled almost sleepily because I was about to fall asleep again. Everything was just perfect. I lay well, it was cozy and warm and so incredibly comfortable.

"Okay, forget it! That's too stupid for me! Then just go back to sleep!" Susen grumbled annoyed and I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath - also annoyed. Women! "I just thought you might be interested to know that Norman refused to comment last night, but according to Sarah, he's ready to confess today."

"Norman? The red-haired one with the freckles and the glasses?" I replied, confused, because I had no idea what she was talking about. "What does he want to confess?" I asked her directly.

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